Porsche's Backstory

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#This part is the backstory of Porsche's life till date. It might be monotonous to read but it's necessary to show the bond he shared with his mother and the dreams that was lost because of parents demise. I tried to show insight that made him what he is now. I introduced few women because I felt there are lack of women in the story.#

I am Porsche Pachara Kittisawatd, a 23 years old University student of sports science whom fate never favoured. Orphaned at 12, with a 7 years old little brother to take care of and a debt in the sum of millions baht to pay thanks to my gambler uncle I had to indulge into every odd jobs i found suitable since then. Be it part time bartender in P’Yok’s bar or a street fighter in local club, a background dancer in some unnamed dance troops or a short term model for some B-grade content and then a charming escort to rich ladies I had long forgotten what was my dreams once. All now that matters to me is my little brother Chay could pursue his dreams in life and make our parents proud.

        Everything was perfect when we were still children. My father Pat Kittisawatd was a celebrated Police officer who won so many medals from royal court for his service to motherland. My mother Nampheung was a renowned artist. One can still find her old albums stored in music archives. We might not be spending a life of luxary back then but we never had any grievances. Those memories of Nampheung running to catch a toddler Chay chasing after our house cats when Pat playing catch with me at lawn still bring smile in my face. But may be I had some seriously bad Karmas in my previous life that our happiness was short lived. My father’s honesty and devotion to his work had angered some corrupt officials and politicians who had ties with mafias whom Pat was after. And as a result he was betrayed and wrongly framed of treachery. All his titles and medals were stripped off and he got suspended. And when he was trying to prove himself innocent by collecting evidence he was killed off. Those killers successfully staged his murder as suicide and Nampheung went missing shortly afterwards. I don't know if my mother is still alive or not. In a sort span of time we brothers lost everything. Our family, our house, our reputation, our savings everything was taken away from us. We didn't have relatives barring uncle Arthee because Pat was an orphan and Nampheung married him against her family's will and hence was disowned by them. Our friends and neighbours turned their back to us and Arthee, our gambler uncle was never much part of our life except for contributing to the debts with his gambling habbits. And after the last cat died we truly were left to lean against each other for comfort. Chay might not remember those painful days but I remember every minute details. And yet I smile because my mother taught me to, to never lose hope and whatever happens always take a positive approach to life. And so I took both my parents role for my little Chay I smiled for him again because I couldn't afford to affect his upbringing with gloominess of our surroundings.

                Since I was 12 life has revealed all its ugly aspects to me. It taught me if I don't become strong enough the world would tear us apart. As I was on sports scholarship and Chay could secure his academic concession with consistent higher grades we didn't have to give up our studies but to meet other expenses I had to work double shift in my hours outside school. I had put a fullstop on my original dream of being both a sportsperson as my father and dancer as my mother and then spending retirement opening own bar at a beach and relax. Yes it's true I was trained in classical khon and other dance forms by Nampheung since early stage of my life while Chay was trained in singing. Nampheung had an old book on biographies of Thai dancers through the ages from which she used to read to me. She used to say I got same grace and style as a mid 19th century legendary dancer named Khem who had introduced a new era in Thai classical dance. She used to show me some of the painting of him and his musician friend Chatra and claimed that I got certain resemblance with Khem that my father always laughed off. Pat wanted me to be strong like him and so he trained me with his signature martial art techniques. However I loved both as  physical activities be it dancing or fighting helped channeling my usual hyper energy and made my body flexible enough that came in handy in later years to save myself from any dangerous situation. But now the only dream matters to me is of Chay as between both of us he is the one with talent and deserves to achieve his passion. And once he becomes successful we both will find the truth behind our father’s death and mother's disappearance. 

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