Chapter One: The Beginning Of The End.

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"Hey, momma! Look!" My sister Sophia said, pointing at the flowers she had found. "Oh, they look lovely. Y/n, what do you think?" Mother asked, turning to me with a smile. "Pretty," I say softly, giving a small, shy smile. "Daddy! Look!" Sophia said cheerfully, cradling her doll in her arms, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Father just glanced at them before lighting a cigarette. "Cute," He said monotoned, obviously not paying attention or even caring at all.

Suddenly, screams filled the park we were walking through. Then, these scary-looking people started attacking others, making Mother grab me and Father grab Sophia and run in the other direction. "THIS WAY!" Father yelled over the screams of the other people surrounding us. We ran into the forest, not turning back. Mother was whimpering into my ear in fear, while I was still slowly piecing things together. But when I did piece it together, my body filled with fear.

The people were treating others how my dad treated my mom. And Sophia and I could be next. I clung to my mother as tightly as I could, squeezing my eyes shut, and praying that this was just an awful nightmare. I waited a few minutes, hoping I'd wake up in my bed, all snuggled up in my blankets and stuffed animals... but that never happened.

The small patch of nature led to the parking lot and before I could register anything, we were in the car, headed somewhere. Father literally threw Sophia into the back of the car while Mother held me in her lap.

The next events went in a blur but in the end, we had packed some survival stuff and drove off towards the highway. Some other families had the same idea, and sure enough, there was a huge traffic jam.

My father being my father, lost his shit after about twenty minutes of waiting. He slammed open three drivers side car door, stepped out and started to yell profanities at the people ahead of us. People started to get equally frustrated and started to join in. Maybe an hour full of road raged, fearful drivers screaming at each other and unable to move anywhere, people started to calm down and camp outside their cars.

Sooner or later, Mother, Sophia, and I joined them, opening the back as we luckily had enough space and sitting down, our legs dangling over the edge. Father went off to smoke a cigarette and talk to a guy in a police uniform, who said he couldn't do anything about it. While this happened, Mother and Sophia cuddled up in the back while I just started at the clouds, continuing to pray that this was all just a bad dream.

My thoughts were cut off when an unfamiliar voice began to speak to me, "Hey," I looked over and saw a boy around my age. He had gorgeous blue eyes, short brunette hair, freckles, and milky white skin. "I, uh, I like your shirt," he shyly complimented, making me blush slightly and look down at the shirt I wore; it was a Lilo and Stitch T-shirt, the whole shirt being black except the Stitch in the center with glasses, all dressed up like Elvis with his little ukulele and everything.

I looked back up to him and gave him a small smile, "Thanks," I mumbled, making him smile back, "No problem," He said before slowly sticking out his hand for me to shake, "I'm Carl," He introduced himself kindly. Taking his hand, I felt my blush intensify, "Y/n," I say softly, moving our hands in an up and down motion.

Once our hands disconnected, he glanced over his shoulder, back at the forest that hid the town we used to call home. Carl turned back to me with a sad look on his face, "Do you think that what's happening will stop soon?" He asked, timidly, "My dad's back there in the hospital. He got shot," He mumbled the last part. "I'm not sure, I hope so," I shrugged, giving him a sympathetic look, internally wanting my own father to be in the hospital for what he's done. "How'd your dad get shot?" I asked, patting the spot next to me, signaling him to join me.

With that, Carl and I started talking. God knows how long we were there, but after a long time, helicopters started to fly towards the town, APD, or Atlanta Police Department was sent, thankfully. And then, police officers started yelling for people to only grab their friends, families, and anything if absolute importance before making a bee-line for the city for safety.

It was hella hectic, but with Father and the police officer from earlier, Shane, carrying the essentials, Mother, Sophia, myself, Carl, and Carl's mom, Lori(in that order), held hands to make sure we didn't lose each other in the crowd. We were gripping onto each other so hard that our knuckles were turning white and swelling slightly.

And as if that wasn't enough, the scary people from earlier came from the city's direction and started to attack people. "STAY CLOSE! LORI! CARL!" Shane yelled over the screaming crowd, Father helping him shield us as he lead us through the crowd, firing his gun at the scary people. After a while of running, we saw an elderly man yelling for people to come inside his RV. "GET TO THE RV! C'MON, NOW!" Shane yelled once more, shoving people out of the way so we could get to the small house on wheels.

Once we made it to the RV, the man yelled for us to drop our things and just get in so there'd be space. We all piled in with other mortified strangers, and when there wasn't any room left, the elderly man slammed the door shut and ran for the driver's seat, buckling himself in before slamming his foot onto the pedal and driving full speed off the road.

Even though Sophia was two years older than me, she acted the youngest. She clung onto me and her doll, trying not to cry that she would have to share an extremely enclosed space with her Father and strangers. I let my big sister squeeze me as tight as she wanted, as that's what she did every time she had a nightmare. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but just the looks of those scary people haunted my imagination, making it harder for me to relax enough to sleep. But eventually, I slowly eased into a dreamless slumber in Mother's arms, still praying it was just a nightmare that felt too real, even though deep down, I knew it was real and that the world as I knew it, would never be the same.

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