Prologue 2: Roahm (RoahmMythril)

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Roahm smiled as he walked up to the entrance of the building where the convention was being held. He had been waiting for this day for a while now: a chance to meet with fans, sign some autographs, and just have fun in general.

He pushed open the door and stepped inside to see much more people than he had expected. Flashing his pass to the security, they let him through into the actual convention where people started approaching him asking for autographs and pictures.

Several hours passed and Roahm saw many different cosplays that he recognized and liked: Harry Mason, Leon Kennedy, Link, Vegeta, and several others. However, he noticed one person who was cosplaying as a character that he had never recognized before.

The person was wearing a dark gray hoodie and blue jeans. He also appeared to have some kind of black morph suit on since his face was completely jet black with no facial features of any kind. He thought it looked like a pitch black Slenderman in street clothes. He chuckled to himself at the idea as he approached the man.

"Pardon me," Roahm said to get the man's attention, "I really like your costume, but I don't recognize the character. Who are you supposed to be?" The man turned to Roahm and said that he was a character from a flash game that he had created. The man spoke in a very deep voice. Much deeper than Roahm had anticipated.

Trying to be friendly, Roahm asked where he could find and play the man's game. The man just turned and gestured for Roahm to follow him. Not wanting to be rude, Roahm hesitantly followed the man to the other side of the convention to an empty conference hall. Confused as to why the man would lead him to an empty room, Roahm turned to face the man when the color drained from his face. The man was holding a knife and was poised to attack.

Frantically trying to escape the crazed man, Roahm started taking steps back while clambering over the chairs that littered the conference hall. Roahm tried to scream for help, but only managed to get out "HE---" before he was tackled to the ground by the man, the wind getting knocked out of him.

"What... What do you want from me," Roahm asked the man who was now on top of him, holding a knife to his throat. The man didn't answer, but rather just punched Roahm in the temple, knocking him out. The man, making sure that Roahm was unconscious, got up off of him and pulled out a walkie talkie. "Second target neutralized. Ready for recruitment."

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