Prologue 3: Rob (SlimKirby)

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Rob sat on his front porch sipping on his tropical drink (really just a mixture of orange juice, pineapple juice, and strawberry kiwi flavored propel). He sighed as he looked out at the dull gray clouds that spanned the sky. He started to get up to go back inside his house when he stopped at the sound of a vehicle coming down his driveway.

He saw a dark blue pickup truck with no license plate making its way down the asphalt. The man driving the truck got out of the car and started walking towards Rob. The man was wearing a dark gray hoodie that was partly obscuring his face and wore navy blue jeans.

"Can I help you," Rob asked the man. In response, the stranger threw a punch. Acting quickly, Rob dodged the punch that was aimed for his face as he rammed into the man shoulder-first, knocking the assailant on his back. Not wanting the man to gain the advantage, Rob grabbed the man's hood and pulled back. However, what he saw made his knuckles go white and all the color drain from his face as he tried to scramble away.

The man had no face. It was like looking into a the darkest black. Obviously angry, the man started running towards Rob, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him up against the side of the house. Rob was straining for breath and struggling to get free. "Damn you," he choked out before blacking out. The man let go of the now unconscious figure, Rob's body slumping to the ground with a loud thud. The man pulled out a walkie talkie. "Target neutralized. Ready for recruitment."

"Like hell I am," muttered Rob as he pulled himself to his feet. The man dodged punch after punch that Rob threw until several black jeeps pulled up to his house. Another person, this time in a suit coat and trousers, got out and aimed a rifle at Rob.

The last thing Rob felt was the point of the dart piercing his skin before he fell into the cold embrace of darkness. The man from the jeep turned to the original assailant. "Tie him up and let's go. We've still got a lot of work to do."

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