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The next morning, Ezra woke up. For a second, he had forgotten where he even fell asleep, getting frightened for a second before accidentally getting tangled in the fairylights. He quietly cursed to himself.
Only then, he remembered that someone else was meant to be here. Or was it a school day for him?

Looking around the room, Ezra didn't notice any other living thing. Of course, there was a small bit of wunder everywhere, which was technically living, but that didn't count. He got out of his bed, quickly putting the fairylights back in place. Then he put on his casual clothes.

For a minute, he thought about what to do. Jupiter wasn't here, the only person he knew at this place, was somewhere else. Looking at some clock, Ezra was surprised to see that it was already 11am. Gosh darn it! Sleeping in that late did not feel amazing. Just a waste of time.
Maybe going outside to actually find Jupiter as quick as possible, would be for the better.

There he was, hiding himself in shadows, scanning over peopoe for one specific ginger. With no success, the wundersmith went to explore the changes of this place himself.
Not that much had changed. Yea, a few new trees, different colours, other details. Still as nice as it should be.

Somebody yelling in distance snapped him out of his thoughts. He quickly walked towards there. Still masking into his surroundings, like a chameleon, or some other creature that can hide, he got closer to the scene.
What he saw there, angered him a lot.

Some four older teens, snickering at Jupiter. They were blabbering something about his knack being too dangerous and intrusive for this place:
"Reading other people like books, huh? Why would the Elders even want you here? You probably blackmailed them into doing that, didn't you? You witness."
One of the girls said, while 2 of her friends laughed, stronger looking guy holding Jupiter. It seemed as if he wasn't even fighting back!

Ezra was having none of it! In just few seconds, he silently called out some wunder, then with no hesitation, lit the girls hair on fire. Oh! The chaos it caused! The fire wasn't made to be extinguished. All 4 of the bullies were screaming and yelling in fear, panicking and too stupid do anything useful. No more hair for miss Emily!
The wundersmith was smiling proudly at that, watching it all unfold. So busy, that he hadn't noticed the fact, that Jupiter dissappeared from the scene.

With a smile on his face, Jupiter said, standing right behind Ezra.
Of course, the other wasn't expecting that, getting startled a lot, even letting out a small yelp.
Jupiter laughed at that, while his new friend was looking at him with shock, trying very hard to hide the fact that he even got a bit scared.

"I've got a free moment for like.. maybe an hour? Would that be enough for us both to get some lunch? I'm starving! You must be hungry too. Let's go?"
Jupiter quickly asked.

"I- uhm. Sure! We can go get lunch together. By the way.."
Ezra stood im front of Jupiter, looking up at him.
Maybe looking up at someone wasn't his favourite thing to do, but well, what else, when he's speaking to a tall, considerably very attractive, harmless..

Jupiter chuckled, only for Ezra to realise he had zoned out once more.
"Who are you thinking about? I can see that it's someone, but.. I'm jusy curious! No pressure if you don't wanna say!"

"Yeah.. I- I was thinking- oh my- I-
Are you alright? Why didn't you fight back? You look strong enough to do so!"
Small blush and a panic caused Ezra to stutter, but he quickly changed the topic back to what he intended.

"They call me dangerous, they see me as the monster, someone that could endanger them. I don't want to be any of that, so I don't even try to hurt them."
Jupiter explained, still keeping a smile on his face.

Looking at him with his dark eyes, filled with worry and empathy, Ezra hugged the other tightly.
"That didn't answer my first question.."

"I'm fine."

"You're not."

"I really am! I'm used to it. Worst that they did, was... It doesn't matter. Sorry about the inconvenience. By the way, what exactly made that girls hair light on fire?"
Recalling the worst thing that had been done to him wasn't what Jupiter wanted at that moment, so asking a question in return looked like the safest option.

At that, the wundersmith laughed a little, then going silent, letting go of their hug. It was very clear to both of them what the answer was.
"Let's go get that lunch?"

"Of course!"

And so, they went back into the Wunsoc building, walking towards the cafeteria.  In it, there weren't too many people, which made Ezra feel releaved. After seeing what happened, the shorter did not want anyone else near Jupiter.

Jove showed Ezra his favourite spot in the room, then walked away to get them some food. Previously, Ezra had told him that anything was fine to eat, as long as it's not rotten or spoiled.
Once he was back, he gave Ezra the food.
Regular school cafeteria food, yet still good enough to actually eat.

"So, Ezra. What would you like to talk about?"

"Anything, really!"
Small talk not being his favourite thing, Ezra started eating the food that was given to him.

As uncalled as before, 3 familiar faces went up to them. This time, no Emily gril around.
"Look. At. That. Who's your little boyfriend  right there, witness?"
The guy said.

Instantly, Jupiter looked angered. So did Ezra, except that he looked more flustered about it. Why would anyone just assume that? That's just.. weird.

"Piss off, you dick."
Ezra growled at the guy, for a little dramatic effect, he made the shadows cross over the lights.

"Or what, you homo?"
Now one of the girls spoke.

I'll make you suffer."
Ezra got up from his seat, standing in front of them.

"Ha, as if!"

Not waiting more, Ezra had already called the wunder here to help. With the art of illusion, he made it look like the guys hand turned into different fruit. The girls watched in horror, guy screamed as if he was in pain, while Ezra stood there, smiling proudly.
"Looks who's fruity now~!"

As before, the group ran away. Now Ezra and Jupiter were left alone, finally.
"By the way, where exactly did any wundersmiths go? If there's one thing that I know well, it's that every Eventide, new wundersmith can be born. That would mean that many more Wundersmiths can be born in the time of these 100 years!"

Still surprised about what he just witnessed, Jupiter explained:
"It's.. not that simple. You see, there was this.. Wundersmith.. who killed all of his friends.. Then he put a curse of every child born on Eventide! They all die too fast, not living long enough to learn."

"What was the wundersmiths name?"

"Ironically, it was.. Ezra Squall."

Ezra sharply inhaled hearing that, feeling uneasy.
"I- I'm sorry.. I think I need some fresh air.. Thank you for the lunch!"
He answered, getting up and quickly walking away. When he got outside, he immediately hid away, feeling panic come over him. He.. he killed all of his friends? Why?!
He feld tears running down his face, falling down on the ground. He hid away in the park, hoping for no one to find him right now. It was too much to take in at once.. Sitting down under a tree, he curled up, hugging his knees. How could have he done that..

Not much angst here, yet.

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