𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐖𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬

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"I heard that you had put on quite the show, Spitfire." Daria's voice caught Edith mid-stride, and her pace slowed. She turned, seeing Daria leisurely stroll towards her down the long hallway adorned with paintings, connecting to the one she was currently in.

"I am just sorry I vasn't there to see it. Igor was similar to that of a raging erumpent vhen he returned to the ship, dragging Viktor behind him. You poked a very large bear, Professor." Daria's tone was light, copying the amused smile on her face. But there was something under her tone, a faint ring of a warning and she came to a stop beside the girl.

Edith's frown hadn't lifted since the early hours of this morning, and she could only guess her expression was the reason that when spotting her marching through the hallways of the castle, multiple students had outright flung themselves off her path, pulling their friends around a different corner or into a surrounding classroom.

And it wasn't just students, Madam Hooch had taken one look at her after she left the classroom she shared with Professor Moody before promptly turing on her heel and walking in the opposite direction of the young woman.

"I'm not happy, it if wasn't obvious." Edith said simply, shifting where she stood and glancing around the empty hallway. "Listen, if you're here to try and convince me that this is all for the best, or that it'll make the tournament more fun—"

"Fun? Fun? A child's life is at stake. Several lives, I should add." Daria's voice dropped, and she wore a frown to copy Edith's.

Edith's expression softened slightly. "I thought that you would—"

"Agree vith my Headmaster? Happily throw your boy into a death trap? Quite the opposite, actually." Daria paused, taking a second to look around, eyes sharp with patience as she waited to see if any figures would step out of the shadows around the two. But no one ever did.

"Igor has my loyalty for his title, not his morals. I am my own person. That vill never change." Daria reached across them, taking her hand. "I am on your side, Edith. This tournament has grown several uninvited arms and legs. I for one, vould like to see it dealt vith properly. Have you spoken to Potter? Vhat does the boy vant to do?"

Edith's shoulders dropped at the gesture, releasing an anger that had been building steadily over the last day or so. It scattered onto the ground below, evaporating into the cracks of the stone tiles, melting out of her tired mind.

Mutely, Edith felt the stress in her chest warp into a larger, wriggling bubble. She shoved it further down inside her without a second thought.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you. That was wrong. I shouldn't have assumed anything about your opinions, if your friendship's been anything to go by." Edith apologised quietly.

Daria nodded, a small smile pulling at her lips. "It is appreciated. You are in too difficult of a state to not lash out every so often. I see no shame in that. Now, about Potter?"

Despite Moody's confidence (that no doubt came with years of experience in a job like his) Edith knew he was wrong when it came to Daria. She wasn't like Igor. She was bold, good and kind.

"He wants to compete. Well, no, he feels like he needs to compete. Someone's out to get him, Daria. And I know who. So does Dumbledore! But he just won't listen, it's infuriating! And now Ron is acting out at Harry, thinking that he wanted to be chosen. Of course he didn't! Why would anyone want to be a part of this utter mess!"

"And it is the Dark One that is after Potter, correct? The one he defeated." Daria asked, tilting her head and brushing a thumb across the back of Edith's gloved palm.

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