𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞

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"I... we.... this isn't.... uh..."

Edith swallowed, gripping Remus' hand tighter as she stammered through an explanation, but nothing that made sense was actually coming out of her mouth.

Her shoulders fell, and she looked back towards Remus, who watched her with a slightly sad expression.

He didn't seem worried, or overly scared. A little caught of guard, maybe, but not actively fearful.

Edith, helplessly still struggling to find the words to even start addressing the situation, let out a sharp breath.

She turned to the adults whom she considered parents, who stood still in the doorway.

She couldn't place their expressions. Molly's eyes were still bloodshot, but after the show of worry outside, it wasn't surprising.

Arthur, on the other hand, wore a stare so still that it unnerved the girl.

Was he angry? Would he curse Remus into a pretzel? Would they need to have a few days away from the Burrow while the news set in and the rage died down?

She couldn't tell.

Was she wrong for her mind throwing itself in the worrying direction of a bad reaction? She hadn't ever expressed any attraction to anybody before Remus, especially in front of the Weasleys. So logically, there would be no reason for Molly and Arthur to have a bad reaction, was it too much to ask that they'd be happy for her? She wanted their love and their approval, regardless of the worry she felt inside.

But worry has a way of robbing us of even the brightest hope.

Pulling together any courage she had left, scattered across the atmosphere in the room, Edith took another breath and began to speak.

"I... I wanted to tell you both sooner, really, I swear I did. But- but I was worried you wouldn't approve. Not that I need your approval to be happy, which I am, happy, I'm really happy, we're really happy. Together." Edith let out another struggling sigh.

"I... we, didn't plan this. But it happened, and I know there's a lot between us, age, and his lycanthropy, what.. what the rest of the world might think... but, but I don't care. I never have. I- I didn't care then, and I don't now. I'm an adult, and if you can't look past my choices, no matter how much you might disapprove of them, then maybe I should.... just.... shut up now." Edith's short-lived moment of confidence faded faster than she could've snapped her fingers, and she shrunk in on herself, feeling Remus' other arm come around her shoulder, holding her at his front.

Molly had begun to move towards them, and Edith couldn't bring herself to look up from the floor, where she stared at her boots, wishing that she was anywhere but here, in this moment.

"Mrs Weasley..." Remus began quietly through the silence, his palm rubbing Edith's upper arm as he held her. "I know... that I'm not the type of man that anyone would want their child to be involved with. I know that. And believe me when I say, that I know I don't deserve her."

Edith's eyes widened, and she looked up, a struck expression crossed her eyes. "Remus, don't say that-"

"No, Edith. It's true. Even if you don't believe it, the rest of the world does. I do." The man paused, turning back to the older woman who had stopped in front of them, her jaw trembling and her hands wrung.

𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐍 (2) || 𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘴 𝘓𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now