Getting closer

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3rd person
Y/n walks onto set with a box of coffee's in her hand. She walks into the hair & make up trailer and see's Joe. Joe greets Y/n with a smile "hey Y/n u okay?" Joes smilie spreads to Y/n face. "Hey Joe yeah I'm good thanks, how are you?" Y/n gave Joe a coffee and then continued to speak for around 10 minutes until Ben, Gwill and Rami walked in and joined the conversation.
After an hour talking with all the lads it was time to head over to set. Today they were shooting a concert scene.

The lads all walked out in there costumes and Y/n jaw dropped when she saw Bens costume.

Joe saw Y/n face when when ben walked out and for some unknown reason he felt angry and the tiniest bit jealous

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Joe saw Y/n face when when ben walked out and for some unknown reason he felt angry and the tiniest bit jealous. "Bloody hell Ben you erm woah you look different" Y/n said with a questioning look. "Like what you see then." Ben says with a smirk. Y/n roles her eyes. "Rami you look stunning as always" "Thank you darling" Rami responds while twirling round. "He always does" Lucy said coming up from behind Y/n. Brian walks up to the cast. "C'mon you lot, you all look brilliant but need to start filming." he turns Y/n. "Hello love i've not seen you today." "Sorry Uncle Bri it was Joes fault he got me talking in the trailer." Joe looks to the floor smirking.

Y/n POV:
Theres something about Joe when he is performing that is so. Well I don't know? Their is definitely something that's keeping my eyes attached to him. The way he plays the base so passionately and looks like he is actually enjoying himself. The way he bites his lip when he is concentrating and the smile thats attached to his face. Oh and the - "like what you see then?" A voice asks. I turned around a was met with Uncle Bri. "Erm yeah it's really magical the fact your past is being brought back to life!" He shakes his head "Not that view i mean that view" i look at Brian confused. "I'm not stupid dear and i've seen the way you look at Joe and before you ask. i see it in your eyes." I was speechless. I don't know what I'm meant to say to Uncle Bri at this point! "Erm yeah i really like him. Well i think so look I'm really confused right now and please don't mention it to dad because he will act in one of two ways. He will either push us together or he will get protective."
Brian laughs and looks around. "Yeah I'm well aware of that so no worries your secrets safe with me". He walks away with a wink leaving me with my thoughts. "Oh fucking shit" i think to myself.

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