Ugh feelings!

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First person (Y/n)
"Lucy I'm not into this feelings bullshit" Lucy just laughed "its not funny" i said laughing along "well the main thing is you admit your feelings." "Lucy thats not helpful" i look at her dead in the eye. "Uncle brian even saw the way i was looking at Joe. That's embarrassing." "Stop trying to avoid the dare and call Joe!" Why the hell did i agree to play this dumb game? I grabbed my phone from my side and found his number in my contacts, my finger subconsciously taps the call button and my heart sinks. "Hello?" "Hey Joe it's Y/n" i speak nervously "hey Y/n you okay?" My nerves relax "yeah thanks are you?" I smile. " yeah thanks, I'm glad you called i was meaning to ask you if you wanted to go out sometime with me?" I screamed internally and look at Lucy who was nodding her head forcefully. "Yeah that sounds great!" My heart started beating faster and faster. "How about tomorrow after filming?" He asked "Yeah that's perfect actually" "okay then ill see you tomorrow!" He said cheerfully. "Bye Joe!" I lie on my back smiling. "Oh my god your going on a date with Joe!" Lucy screams "ugh you sound like a teen from one cringey 90s films" I grumble "ay don't disrespect 90s films!" Lucy says smacking my arm and i scream while both of us laughing.

Joe's POV
"Well done mate you finally did it!" Ben said while passing Joe a beer. "Now here is a big question for you mate. Where you gonna take her?" Ah shit.I'm not really sure?  "Erm why don't i take her to her favourite drive through and then drive to the top of that hill not to far from set and we can eat while looking at the view. How does that sound?" Ben takes a sip of his beer before speaking. "She would absolutely love that mate." I let out a breath i never realised i was holding.

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