Maybe a relationship? (Updated)

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Its been two weeks since Y/n and Joe had their,well there not really sure what it was but they both had a great time. Anyway, ever since then, they both hang out regularly and gotten a lot  closer  to one and other.

"Morning love" Joe said while planting a kiss on her head
"Hey your in a good mood" Y/n smiled "yeah i know it's brilliant." He said while placing his arm around Y/n's shoulders.

"So are them two a thing or something?" Asked Gwil "erm yeah kinda they both really like each other but refuse to admit it." Spoke Ben "They would be good together" stated Rami who has known from the start that they both like each other. The boys continued to discuss there friend's relationship until they were interrupted "When your finished discussing my relationship i'd like to have some food." All the boys rolled their eyes while smiling and smirking.

Later at a table in a near by cafe. "I will ask her out on a proper date but i just think it its a bit early thats all" "c'mon mate shoot your shot while you can because any lad would die to be with her." Said Gwil and the boys mumbled in agreement.  Ben then piped up"If you don't go for her i bloody will." All the lads laughed.

The next day, Y/n was not having the greatest start to the day. Not only was her hair pissing her off but her outfit had a bright red stain on, but with already being late because of her hair she decided to just throw anything on.

She walks onto set stressed and there is only one mans arms who she wants to be in. "Morning darling you alright?" Asked Joe while wrapping his arms around her waist. She drops her head into his chest and sighs loudly. "Im fine just everything is getting on my nerves lately." Joe looks down "i hope i ain't." Y/n giggles into his arms "you can never get on my nerves." Joe looks down at Y/n like she is the most precious thing in the world, every time he sees her his heart skips a beat. This is where she should be, in his arms. Being his.

"Then we should leave the bit of banter between the three because it's something you two would actually say." Y/n, Brian and Roger are discussing what senes they should take out. "Honestly i agree with the kid." Roger said while nodding his head. Brian said nothing and just rolled his eyes. "Look we have to be sensible about this and" Brian was interrupted by one of the assistants on set. "Mr May. Mr and Miss Taylor there seems to be a problem in reception!" Claimed the worried assistant. The three made there way over to the reception, following the loud voice of a woman. "Look I really need to see him just let me through i wont take long!" Cried the woman. "Look I'm sorry but I can't let you do that madam. Can i take a message for you?" Asked the receptionist. The woman in a red dress grumbled loudly. "Hello miss can i help in anyway?" Asked Brian. Brian was always the one with a calm temper, he always knew the right things to say. "Look i need to speak to Joseph quickly and this dam woman won't allow to me to!" The woman looked pissed off. "I'm afraid only cast and crew are aloud passed this point. I hope you don't mind me asking but why do you need to talk with him?" Brian asked calmly. "Because i'm his girlfriend."

Now the interesting bit starts!

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