Chapter Nineteen

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Jaylee's P.O.V.

Before he actually began talking, Kliant screwed around a bit, attempting to get me to laugh, and when he realized that wasn't going to work, he got down to business. "Where to begin?"

I frowned, "Start with what you did to me first, call me selfish, but I would like to know," I paused, "then you can go back to the beginning."

He gaze me a long look, then shrugged, "I don't think I will tell you anything, isn't it usually after the bad guy spills everything that the person gets away with all the information?" He laughed at his own joke, and then settled, "Alright, I will begin by telling you what we did to you, the least I can do is that before anything significant happens."

I interrupted him, "Significant? Like oh, I don't know, glowing skin?"

He sighed, "If you interrupt me every chance you get, we will be out here for hours, and then I will get into trouble."

"Sorry," I mumbled, wondering how he could get into trouble if he was the head honcho.

"Okay, well anyways, like you've already heard, we tested on you. I knew there would be something exciting that would happen, as did our few scientists and historians. You've been watched since your birth, you see. As you heard the other day, you are incredibly rare, and the last one to be born like you was well over a hundred years ago. She had been a spectacular person, I've heard, but I know that she met an un-timely end, but that's another story. Okay, back to it, we ran some tests, because you weren't fully developed yet, and I wanted to right that. We played with your blood, and might have brought you to the brink of death," he paused, allowing me to process this. "Well, that brought you to life, and you began your change. It started with the markings, and then you healed yourself, which was a problem for the things we had connected to you. I'm not sure what else you've developed, since we haven't done any tests since you've been awake. We know your DNA has morphed into something new altogether, and I'm sure you will find your appearance a tad different the next time you look in the mirror," he took another second to take in the look on my face, "but don't worry, it's not a drastic change!" he stopped again, and sent a look to Jascion, who I couldn't figure out how he played into anything. "Anyways, what we know about what is going to happen will be a big advantage to us."

I tapped my fingers on the table, "Is this why you keep asking me if I've changed? Or if I've noticed anything?"

Nodding, Kliant reached into his pocket and pulled out what resembled a cigarette, and to my astonishment; he lit it. "Yep, we know you will gain a few new attributes. Some might be a surprise and might hit you pretty hard when you aren't expecting it, so yes. I figure I must tell you."

"Okay... so what might happen?"

Kliant leaned back, taking a drag of the cigarette, "Well, your eyesight might become sharper, you're going to become a bit stronger, and faster." I nodded, knowing this was all true, since I had already experienced it, "Also, you might come into certain powers."

If I had been drinking something, I might have chocked on it, "Powers?"

"Yes, we have studied texts about the ones before, and they all had certain things. They've all been used in war before, that's how the last one died earlier than she was supposed to."

"So that's why you took me? You think I'm going to have some awesome powers that will help you take down my mate? And you think I am actually going to help you if I do have these powers?"

Klant sighed, ashing his cigarette like he'd done it a million times, "No, we know you're going to have some sort of 'awesome power' and we hoped we could gain your trust into helping us. The fact that you're mates with one of the brothers was an unforeseen dilemma. One we tried to take care of, but that was ruined."

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