Chapter Fifteen

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I stood there, confused, watching the small thing run wobbily back into the party. She was beautiful. The minute I walked into the party I saw her, laughing at something from her table. 

I didn’t recognize who she was sitting with, but knew they were Tethran. Some part of me wanted to tear the man sitting beside her apart, but didn’t know why I was being territorial. 

It’s not like she was mine.

I groaned and sat down on the bench she had just vacated, still looking at the door where she disappeared. Running my hands through my hair, I stood, ready to go back inside.

I felt funny. Something had been off for a couple days, but I couldn’t put my finger on what. 

I began walking towards the building, and then the explosion happened. It rocked the ground beneath me and I stumbled. Shocked I watched as the far side of the grounds fell. I heard screams, and saw people streaming out of the doors, shoving and scrambling to be free of what lay inside.

Growling, I ran towards the crowd, not looking or caring about who I was throwing aside in my haste to get to her.

My girl.

My mate.

My growls turned into battle cries as I continued to charge, finally getting through the doors. Towering above those around me gave me an advantage, and made it easier for me to spot my brothers, who connected eyes with me the same time I spotted them.

I waded through the crowd to get to them, as another explosion rocked the ground.

“What the fuck is going on?” I growled, looking around for Jaylee. My angel.

Lionel shook his head, “I have no idea, one minute everything was fine, the next my head hurt and I remembered some things,” he paused and looked at me, and I nodded, “and then the explosion happened… where is she?”

Shaking my head, I frantically began looking over the faces for her sweet face and laughing eyes, “I don’t know.”

Saying it out loud tilted my world, and I knew that I had wasted precious time.

Yet another explosion rocked the building and I stumbled, noticing we were some of the few left, I motioned my siblings to the door, and we ran.

I couldn’t help but feel like I was running under water. My heart was heavy, and there was no escaping the pain.


My head was killing me.

That was the first thing I noticed when I finally began to regain conscious. The second thing was that I was cold.

And undeniably naked.

Afraid to open my eyes, I strained my ears, only to hear nothing but small drips of water. I groaned, and the sound blasted through the silence, and bounced off walls around me.

The floor beneath me was cold, and damp. Opening my eyes didn’t do anything for me, because it was pitch black. 

I sat up, my head spinning and the planet beneath me tilting on it’s axis, I leaned over to the side and spilled what little was in my stomach.

Tears were in my eyes as the acid worked it’s way up my throat and soon became dry heaves. I had nothing left in me. When I had managed to stop the gagging, I laid back down and rolled into the fetal positon. My eyes could pick up three stone walls, and one barred wall.

It had to be a dungeon of some sort. There was another cell across from mine, and a ways down both sides of it.

Straining my eyes, I got on my hand and knees and crawled weakly to the bars, staring into the cell across from me.

Reality(1 in series) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now