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Achille's POV:

"Log, 4/9/23. The promise between them and I worked. They got Minitoon to kill my patients and make them ghosts only. I don't know what he will do to Minitoon's body though. I'm surprised they didn't hesitate to kill them. Sub is his favorite. They liked Denis a lot. DJ was his favorite and, Sketch was his top favorite. I'm also surprised that they were able to carry that sword! I remembered I tried to carry that thing and it weighed a ton! But anyways, the report on the subjects is okay. Axs gave me some sort of ghost thing that allows you to know what they feel/are like right now. I have no clue how they found it to be honest. End. Log, 4/9/23."

It seems like the game will be starting soon... I hope they better think of something good. I know the people have already escaped the place. But, from what I know. They'll be dropped to the bone.


Russo's POV:

"Everyone will be teleported in 10."

Wait what the fuck!? Where will we be teleported to? I looked at the person near me. It was Sabrina. I forgot she was even there. We were in the forest. I hugged Sabrina like it was our goodbye!









/( Le gasp )\




I had my eyes closed. I didn't know what was going to happen. I felt arms going around me too. It's Sabrina, I know it! I felt a strong wave going against us. Sabrina and I were pushed back on the floor. I opened my eyes to see. A white padded room? I think so. I kept nudging Sabrina until she opened her eyes. The lights were dim and we could barely see anything. Suddenly, the lights went on. The speaker went on.

"Dear contestants, I'm pretty sure you all remember this is a game right?" They said, "It took us some time to arrange the games. That's all. Sorry for the long wait, we just had to take a few of your people, and maybe. Corrupt them, not remember anything, no regrets on that. It's thanks to those who kidnapped them!"

Wait, DJ got corrupted? Along with, Sub, Denis, and, Sketch? Oh my goodness. This is going to be disastrous. I hope there will be easy ways to survive. ( I don't think this is quite fitting, Pearl's rap career came on. ROUND AND ROUND LET THE CITY TURN PARTY IN THE HILLS WE CAN PARTY IN THE BIRBS ROOFS ON FIRE LET IT BURN. CHAMPAGNE I'M NOT CONCERNED. )

"The first game we'll start with is called, "Rubble Trouble" This is Sketch's game. In this game, you'll have to stay away from trouble that is lurking around. It may sound easy but in reality, it isn't. We design all game names to sound easy but hard."

"Log, out."

I looked around at my surroundings. I saw the others! I turned to Sabrina but, she wasn't there. I looked again at my surroundings and she was in the middle. Suddenly, the lights flickered. When it came back on. We were split into teams. Luckily, I remembered Sabrina and I still have our swords and, Sabrina could heal anyone that is injured. Something came out of the ground. It was Sketch! But, he was much bigger than we last saw him.

C_SK: Hello, hi, hey, and, greetings! I know you all might be confused but, let's just get on to the FUN. Shall we?

He then spawned a hammer. But, it was double-faced. It had some gem on top of it. I think it was a topaz. He spawned another one on his left hand. Without looking, he smashed one of our teammates! Well, there goes one.

C_SK: Everyone, has to scatter around trying not to get hit. The team that has the most players still alive wins! I'll give you some time to make up a plan. The game starts in five minutes.

I stood in front of my group. I was going to say something. A plan for our team, I guess.

Russo: Alright, we'll have team leaders. Sabrina and I will be the team leaders. Tanqr, Lego, Koneko, Briana, Nightfoxx, IBella, Pink, and, Flamingo. Go to different corners of the room. If there isn't enough space then go to the walls. Sabrina can heal any of you guys in case you get injured.

Russo: Plan?

Everyone except Russo: Plan!

The ground started to shake. It was like an earthquake. Everyone fell to the floor immediately after the shake. I got up from the earthquake that just happened. I looked around the room to see what caused the earthquake. Suddenly, the ground shook again. This time more violent and brutal. I almost hit my head on the floor because I fell. Then, the shaking stopped. I looked over where Sketch was supposed to be there. To my surprise, I think Sketch was doing all the earthquakes.


After he said that, Sketch used one of his hammers to hit it against the wall and alert an alarm.

C_SK: Let's get this game started.

He took his hammer off the wall and hit the ground in the middle. Oh boy. Then, he hit both of the walls causing some of my people to lose their balance and fall. While Sketch was doing that. I decided to go to the wall behind him. I realized that he was only aiming for the walls so the people would lose their balance and eventually go into the middle where he could hit and get everybody. I looked at his pattern of hitting. The walls are stable enough till lava. No wonder why the walls don't have any cracks yet. Suddenly, he hit the floor with both of his hammers and made an earthquake again. He kept doing it until everyone was in the middle. Luckily, for the others and I. I kept my balance still on the wall, and, the people ran away from the middle but some, unfortunately, didn't last. Sketch smashed Sabrina, IBella, Jayingee, and, Lego. They weren't fast enough to run outside the area of the hammers. Now, we don't have our medic anymore. Great, just great. Isn't that grateful? Well, no it isn't. I don't know how long these games last. I don't think the others can last any longer though. Then, he switched to the other side of the room. I quickly ran to the corner on his left and hid with the others. But, he realized what we were doing and hit near the corner. The others ran away and I just stood still like I froze. He was trying to get the others. He kept hitting the floor with his hammers until the alarm stopped. I looked back where Sketch was. He... Disappeared? Where'd he go? I looked at everyone in the room. I looked at my people. They were confused and scared at the same time. I went over to Tanqr. I think so but Tanqr started to cry. I noticed it under his mask. Not all the way, though. I went another way so he wouldn't see me watching him because that'd be weird. The speaker went on.

"Congrats everybody! You have won the first game. We only have four more games left. Have a great rest, for now."

Man, this is going to be a long day. I think. I think after the game, we have the rest of the day to rest. This first game lasted five hours. When I woke up it was 10 AM. The game lasted for five hours and thirty minutes. That lasted for a long time, didn't it? Anyways, I'm tired of the person reading this. Goodnight.


I hope you have/had a great day. Good night/Good morning.

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