(Chapter 2) This is awkward...

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Ein: *Groan!* Are we done? Im tired..."

Pierce chuckles. "Ein... its been 30 seconds... we haven't put the tent up yet..."

Ein: "But i don't wanna~"

Pierce: "Ein... *Sigh* STOP BEING STUBBORN! OTHERWISE YOUR SLEEPING OUTSIDE!" Pierce says annoyed. Ein rolls his eye and helps. 

(Five minutes later)

The group runs over to the two blue boys.

Aphmau: "Hey Guys!"

Pierce: "Hey Aph!"

Aphmau: "poor Ein will have to sleep outside since no one wants him in their tent.." Aphmau says with a giggle. Then every giggled a bit while Zane was laughing.

Pierce looks at them with an angry expression.

Pierce: "Actually, guys, he is sharing with me. "

(Everyone looks at Pierce in surprise)

Aaron: "You sure about that, Pierce?"

Pierce: "Yeah, it's no big deal. We'll just have to try to stay separated while we sleep".

(Like that's gonna work)

KC smirks at them and has those eyes, full of sparkles and wide. 

Kc: "Whatever you say Pierce."

Ein looks at her knowing what she's doing.

Ein: "Kawaii-Chan stop shipping us we are just friends."

Kc: "I'm sorry Ein, but you two are too cute together for me not to!" Aphmau nods in agreement.

Ein and Pierce blush a bit.

Pierce: "OK! that's enough... "

Aphmau: "Ok~ just so you know you two are blushing.

The two girls run off as everyone else follows to the campfire. Pierce shakes his head and follows them as Ein stays behind thinking to himself before he goes after them too.

(time skip 10:00 pm)

Aphmau: "Ok guys i think we should head off to bed. Good night everyone!" Aphmau says as she walks to her tent. Everyone goes to their tents. 

KC: "Have fun you two~" Kc says in a teasing tone as she runs to her tent.

Ein and Pierce roll their eyes.

Ein and Pierce crawl inside their tent.

Pierce: " Sorry buddy looks like we are gonna have to share a sleeping bag."

Ein: "N-no its ok! I will sleep without one..."

Pierce: "Are you sure? Its gonna be freezing tonight."

Ein: " Im sure..."

Pierce: "Ok..."

(10 mins later.)

Ein starts Shivering.

Pierce: "Ein? Buddy, are you okay?"

Ein: (shivering) "No, I'm freezing. "

Pierce: "What did i tell you... Just come in with me its warmer."

Pierce unzips the sleeping bag and invites Ein to get in with him.

Ein has a surprised look. " What? No way! I'm not coming in with you!"

Pierce: "Come on Ein, your literally shivering just come in here where its warm. I promise I won't do anything." 

Ein hesitates 

Ein: "Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea. "

Pierce smiles

Pierce: "Come on, Ein. We're just friends keeping each other warm. Don't you want to be warm instead of freezing your ass off?"

Ein sighs and turns a light red as reluctantly crawls into the sleeping bag with Pierce and they settle in close but they are not touching.

Ein: "This isn't so bad." Ein mutters to himself

Pierce: "What did you say?" Pierce ask's confused.

Ein: "Nothing, nothing." Ein quickly responds.

As they settled into the sleeping bag, they found themselves getting closer and closer until they were snuggled up together.

Ein: "Uh, Pierce? You're kind of touching me."

Pierce: "Oh, sorry about that."

They both tried to move away from each other, but there wasn't much room in the sleeping bag.

Pierce: "I think we'll just have to deal with it for tonight."

Ein: "Yeah, I guess you're right."

(they went silent.)


When Pierce was touching me i felt warmer but now I'm cold again... Maybe i should move closer to Pierce, I hope he doesn't mind if i just scoot closer to him...

After a few seconds of silence, Ein starts to move an inch closer to Pierce

Pierce: " Uh, Ein, what are you doing?" Pierce asks turning a little red...

Ein: " Sorry, I just can't seem to get warm." Ein mumbles bushing.

Pierce: " And snuggling up to me is going to help with that?" Pierce says being sceptical

Ein: "Hey, it's not like I'm trying to make a move on you or anything." Ein says red in defence.

Pierce:  "Relax, I know. Just try not to move a lot as you sleep, okay?" Pierce chuckles

I grin

Ein: "Deal."

Pierce smiles as he wraps one arm around Ein.

My heart skips a beat. UGH! Why is my heart beating so fast!? Its just cause i am cold... Right???

As the night goes on, Ein and Pierce find themselves getting closer and closer, until they eventually fall asleep in each other's arms cuddling.

The next morning...

Ein: I waking up and panicking. "Oh god, what did I do?"

I quickly push Pierce away from me and act awkward for a bit.

Pierce: Pierce has also woken up and confused. "What are you talking about?" He asked confused

Ein: "I...I think we accidentally snuggled last night." I say Embarrassed

Pierce starts laughing "Accidentally? You were practically spooning me."

Ein: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Pierce: "Hey, it's okay. I didn't mind. " Pierce says smiling but in a serious tone

Ein begins to blush hard.

Ein: "This never happened, okay?" I say avoiding eye contact

Pierce:  "Yeah, I understand." Pierce nods

(812 WORDS!!!)

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