(Chapter 3) Where did they go!?!?

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Ein: "D-don't look, i'm getting dressed..." Still avoiding contact.

Pierce: "O-ok..." Pierce turns around and gets him self dressed as well as Ein. 

They exit the tent and pack their things up and put them in the car.

Aphmau: " HEY BOYS! How was your sleep???~~~"

Ein turns red as Pierce smiles.

Pierce: "It was good Ein was freezing his ass off so I had to keep him warm, just a friendly encounter..."

Aphmau has a big grin on her face.

Aphmau: "SHIP!"

Ein turns beet red. 

Ein: " APHMAU!!!!"

Aphmau: "Alright, alright. What I was here to say was to put your tents and sleeping bags in the car an-"

Ein: "We already did that..."

Aphmau gives Ein the face. (You know the face)

Aphmau: "And~ we are going on a hike so bring your other bags with all the supplies."

Pierce: "Alright!"

Ein: "Ok..."

Aphmau smiles and runs off.

As everyone gets their stuff ready they set off on their hike.

Everyone is in front of Ein and Pierce walking as the two boys are walking quite slow.

Ein: *GROAN!* Im so TIRRRRRREEEEEDDDDDDD!!!~~~~~~~" Ein moans as Pierce looks at him laughing.

Pierce: "Oh~ Ein.... How about we sit down and have a rest?"

Ein: "FINALLY!...." Ein says as the two boys sit down together on a log. 

 Pierce: "Here. Have Some water." Pierce says as he hands Ein his water bottle. 

 Ein: "Thanks Piercy~" Ein mumbles  as he takes a sip of water. Pierce's eyes widen and he blushes a light red. 

 Pierce: "D-did you just call me Piercy???" Pierce mumbles with a red face. 

Ein quickly spits out the water looking beet red.

 Ein: "I-I! y-yes... I MEAN NO! I mean! *sigh....* "

 Pierce chuckles.Pierce: " Oh Ein... It's ok! I don't mind!" Pierce says with a smileEin turns red. 

 Ein: "I-I..."

Pierce interrupts Ein's stuttering with a soft touch to his hand.

Pierce: "Ein, it's alright. You don't have to be nervous around me." Pierce reassures him with a smile.

Ein looks into Pierce's eyes and feels a warmth spreading throughout his body. WHAT IS THIS FEELING!?!? First in the tent and now this!

Ein quickly pulls his hand away.

Ein: "Y- yeah... O-ok..." Ein says blushing

Ein and pierce look around. Seeing that they have been separated from the others

Pierce: "Where are the others?"

Ein: " I- i don't know..."

Pierce looks at Ein's worried expression

Pierce: " I-its okay lets just keep walking and we will eventually find camp."

Ein: "Okay... I trust you  guess..."

Pierce: "That's a compliment coming from you-"

Ein: "S-shut up!!!"

(388 words!) 

Sorry its short lol.

Have a great day night or WHATEVER!

Ein x Pierce Camping trip!Where stories live. Discover now