(Chapter 6) I love you forever

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As they drive away, Ein can't help but feel a sense of guilt wash over him. He had never felt like this before, and it was confusing him. He tried to shake it off, but it lingered in the back of his mind.

KC, who was sitting in the backseat, noticed Ein's discomfort and decided to try and lighten the mood.

KC: "Hey, Ein. Want to play some music? Maybe AJR?"

Ein's face lit up a bit at the mention of his favourite band.

Ein: "Yeah, sure. That sounds great."

KC pulls out his phone and starts playing some music, and soon the whole car is singing along. The tension from earlier begins to fade away, and everyone is having a good time.

As they drive back home, Ein can't help but feel grateful for his friends. They had always been there for him, no matter what, and he knew he could count on them. With that thought in mind, Ein leans his head back and enjoys the rest of the ride home.

They arrive back and head to their homes.  They all unpack their things except Ein he just jumps on his bed and lies there covering his face with a pillow.


Ein then hears a knock on his bedroom door.

Ein: "Who is it?"

Pierce: "Its Pierce, can I come in?"

Ein hesitates for a moment, still feeling embarrassed about what happened earlier. But he decides to face the situation and responds to Pierce's request.

Ein: "Yeah, come in."

Pierce opens the door and steps into Ein's room. He looks a bit nervous but tries to act casual.

Pierce: "Hey man, I just wanted to check on you. I know things got a little awkward earlier and I wanted to make sure we're cool."

Ein sits up on his bed, still feeling a bit flustered but tries to put on a brave face.

Ein: "Yeah, it's all good. I'm sorry about what happened, I don't know what came over me."

Pierce: "Hey, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. We were just caught up in the moment, you know?"

Ein nods, feeling relieved that Pierce isn't upset with him.

Ein: "Yeah, I guess you're right. I just hope it doesn't make things weird between us."

Pierce smiles and puts a hand on Ein's shoulder.

Pierce: "Nah, we're still bros. Nothing can change that."

Ein smiles back and feels a weight lift off his chest.

Ein: "Thanks, man. I appreciate it."

Pierce: "No problem, dude. I'm always here for you."

With that, Pierce leaves Ein's room, and Ein lies back down on his bed, feeling grateful to have a friend like Pierce. He knows that he can always count on him, no matter what.

Ein: "Actually Pierce... The kiss... I meant it." 

 Pierce: "What do you mean?" 

 Ein: "I meant that I have feelings for you. I know we've been friends for a long time, but I can't help the way I feel. And I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I just had to tell you."

Pierce looks surprised, but also somewhat pleased.

Pierce: "Ein, I had no idea. I mean, I've always thought you were cute and everything, but I didn't want to risk our friendship by making a move. But now that you've told me how you feel, maybe we can give it a try?"

Ein looks up at Pierce, feeling a wave of relief and happiness.

Ein: "Really? You want to give it a try?"

Pierce nods, a smile spreading across his face.

Pierce: "Yeah, let's see where this goes. But first, can I come in and give you a proper kiss?"

Ein blushes, but nods eagerly.

Ein: "Yeah, you can come in."

Pierce walks into the room and walks towards Ein. He grabs Ein's hips and plants a soft kiss on his lips.

Ein's heart starts racing as Pierce kisses him. He tentatively responds to the kiss, Pierces hands resting on his waist. After a few moments, Pierce pulls away and looks into Ein's eyes.

Pierce: "I've been wanting to do that for a long time. Properly!"

Ein: "Me too. I just didn't know how to say it." Ein chuckles

Pierce smiles and takes Ein's hand.

Pierce: "Well, now you don't have to say it. You can just show me."

Ein feels a warmth spread through his body at Pierce's words. He knows that this is just the beginning of something new and exciting between them.

Ein: "I love you." 

 Pierce: " I love you too baby. Can I call you baby?" 

 Ein nods. 

 Pierce: grins. "Your my cute little baby and i love you so much." He kisses Ein's forehead.

Ein smiles.

(Ein and Pierce get changed into their PJ's and hop into bed together~) (Please don't ask how Pierce got his PJ's he just brought his bag with him to Ein's place cause he didn't go home first.) MAKE SENSE!?

Ein smiles and wraps his arms around Pierce, feeling grateful and happy to have someone who loves him for who he is. They cuddle on the bed, enjoying each other's company.

Ein: "I'm sorry for being so confused before. I was just scared of how I felt."

Pierce: "It's okay, baby. We can take things slow if you want. I'm here for you."

Ein nods, feeling relieved that Pierce understands and accepts him. They spend the rest of the night cuddling and talking about their future together.


(875 words!)

OMG GUYS! I finished the book! I really hoped you enjoyed it! 

Please make sure to comment and IDEA'S! I want to make another story of Ein and PIerce! I am addicted to the ship so please gimme your ideas!


-Kahlan (Willow Sprinkles)

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