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In which Harry Potter and y/n y/l/n, a pureblood, who, not openly, doesn't believe in pureblood  supremacy, are rivals (enemies doesn't rly fit the description 🤷‍♀️), despite not knowing each other, but because of her name. (this ff takes place in their third year) those of you who came from my yt know what this is inspired by🙃

⚠️warning: cringe bc I'm not talented⚠️

"I'm telling you mate, just ask McGonagall to sign it, she will. . . probably" Ron said as him, Harry and Hermione walked towards the huge crowd, the crowd waiting to be let into Hogsmeade, the one place where the so called 'annoying' first and second years were all avoidable. Hogsmeade was a small wizarding-only village, also home to what was rumored to be home to the most haunted building in all of Britain, the Shrieking Shack.

"Aw has poor Potty not gotten his signature?" Draco Malfoy, a kid you were associated with shouted out. "Shut up, Malfoy" both you and Harry demanded, as Harry gave you a look of shock. "What's with you Potter? Got a staring problem or something?" You hissed, purposely bumping into him as you walked by, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Merlin, what's their problem? They could at least try to be nice" Ron said as they walked up to McGonagall, and Harry's attempt of going to Hogsmeade failing.

As Harry watched his best friends walking away into Hogsmeade, he felt the presence of someone next to him. "Hey. . ." he heard an all too familiar voice say, and he became angry. "Don't you have a Hogsmeade slip, or do you just want to torment me?" he hissed while turning to you.

"Actually no. My parents wouldn't sign it"

"Yeah well mine don't exist anymore" he commented, making me laugh a bit. "Sorry, I shouldn't have laughed" "No, it's okay, I meant for you to laugh" I gave Harry a genuine smile, and he smiled back, but then it became quiet, awkward.

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade?"

"Yeah, but how? Filch'll catch us"

"Well, there is one path we can take"


"Yeah follow me"

I cautiously got up and followed him, making sure that I was ready to protect myself if needed. As if he read my mind or could sense my movements, he said "Put your wand away, I'm not going to hurt you" I laughed a bit and blushed, walking next to Harry. As we walked, we touched hands, the both of us retracting our hands immediately. "Sorry" I awkwardly muttered before blushing again and looking up to see Harry grinning at me. "What?"

"I just didn't know that the y/n y/l/n was so awkward"

"Oh shut it, you can't be talking. . . Mr. Can't Talk to People"

"Very creative y/l/n- are you cold?" he asked, looking at me with concern, I was shaking a bit. "Yeah a little, why?" He took off his coat and wrapped it around me, making me blush, but it was hardly noticeable as my cheeks were already a pink hue from the cold. "Thanks, I never knew you could be so nice, Potter."

"Well you never really gave me a chance"


"Let's not get into that okay?"

"Fine, but I will prove my point sooner or later"

"Okay, have it your way"

We soon stopped at the familiar one eyed witch statue that I passed almost every day. "What are we doing here?" I asked as I looked around, realizing he had walked towards the statue. "This is the way we're taking"

"Uh. .  . I don't know about you, but there's nothing to see here"

"That's why it's called a secret path, doofus"

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