•Why So Late?•

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In which a certain girls crush, who just so happens to feel the same way, comes in the late hours of "night" and wants comfort for something he doesn't desire to talk about. . .

⚠️Warnings⚠️: it's kinda intimate at the end BUT NOTHING HAPPENS

*knock knock* A sound just outside of my dorm made me jump, I was awake, which I shouldn't have been, it was four in the morning and I was sitting at my desk, (fun fact: I'm writing this at five in the morning. . . I never went to sleep-) writing in my diary about my day and what I needed to say or else I'd go crazy. I got up and walked over to my door, opening it slowly to see the boy I liked, Harry James Potter. "What are you doi-" I started, with a small voice before I saw that he was crying.

As I watched his muscular chest rapidly rise and fall, I did the first thing I could think of and pulled him into my dorm and hug him, despite his useless protests. Eventually he just let me hug him and cried into my shoulder while I rubbed up and down his back, closing my door before leading him to my desk.

Harry and I weren't very close, or what I would call friends, we talked from time to time, but that was usually it, other than the times we went to the Black Lake to do homework together. The most we've ever talked was in our second year, when I woke up after being in the Chamber of Secrets, with Harry by my side, and he was hugging me, which is my favorite memory of us two.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" he shook his head as I ruffled his hair and got up, grabbing some clothes to change into so I could be more comfortable. "W-wait— where are you going?" he said with worry in his voice. "Nowhere, I'm just going to the restroom to change into something more comfortable. I'll be back in a minute or two it's okay, you can get comfortable." he sighed a bit before I walked into the bathroom to change.

Sure enough, just as I had said, I came back out in an oversized hoodie and short shorts, making it look like I wasn't wearing anything under the hoodie. Harry instantly covered his eyes as I laughed a bit, grabbing his hands and lifting them off his eyes. "It's okay, I'm wearing shorts under, look" I assured as I lifted up my hoodie to show the pair of shorts I was wearing.

He sighed in relief and pulled me in for another hug, still crying a little bit. "Hey, it'll be okay, I'm here to talk if you want to, and if you really want to, you can stay here" I offered as he smiled with tears in his eyes. "Really? You'd let me?"

"Of course I would, if you're not okay I'll let you sleep here, even if we have to share a bed, or if I have to sleep on the floor-"

"No, no, I'll go on the floor"

"No- I insist for you to sleep on my bed, it's only fair, you're a guest"

"O-or we could m-maybe share a b-bed?"

"Sure, whatever leaves you feeling happy and safe"

I laid down on the bed and waited for Harry to join me. Once he did, he unexpectedly put his head on my chest, which made me internally melt from his cuteness. "A-are you okay with this? I-if not I can get off of you" he awkwardly said "No- no it's okay, as long as you're comfortable, so am I" I began to play with his hair, running my hand through his hair. "Thank you, I'm sorry for waking you up" he tiredly muttered into my chest. "No, it's okay I was already awake" I yawn quietly as he looks up at me, looking more concerned than I thought he would be. Although– I didn't really expect him to be concerned in the first place. "Why were you awake so late? I-"

"I was just- I couldn't see so I decided to write some stuff down in my. . . dairy"

"Oh, well sorry for disturbing your writing time"

"You didn't do anything, you just needed comfort and you went to me for it, that's all. Also- why did you come to me? I thought you had closer friends?"

"I-I mean I do, but- but I didn't want them to interrogate me, plus they wouldn't comfort me like this. . ."

"Oh- okay well, if you want to talk about it, I'll listen, but don't feel forced to talk okay? I'll never pressure you into anything you don't want to do"

"I- I think I'm ready to talk about it now. . ."

"Okay, go ahead, don't feel like I'll judge you though"

"The real reason I came was because. . . well I had a nightmare, and you were in it-"

I laid there in shock, wondering why he had somehow been crying from a nightmare I was in.

"but you didn't do anything bad in my nightmare- you just. . . sort of died. . . and- and I-I guess it sort of pained me to see it. . . I- I don't even know why it just did. I- I only came to you to see if you were okay, I couldn't fall back asleep because I was paranoid" he finished talking as I looked at him with care and sympathy, my eyes sort of teared up a bit but I blinked it away and kissed the top of his head, hoping to bring him comfort.

"Oh you poor thing, are you okay now though?" I asked worriedly as I hugged him tightly, just now properly processing that his head was on my chest, and kind of on my breasts. I turned bright red as I began to get a fluttery feeling in my stomach

"Oh, yeah I'm okay now, but are you okay? Your heartbeat sped up just now" he can hear my heartbeat? Shit I'm screwed I can't get out of this one. "It's still getting faster, y/n are you okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm okay, just a bit- tired?" it sounded like more of a question than a statement, and I knew he didn't believe me, but I took a few deep breaths and calmed down eventually. "Tired? I dunno about that- are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine I just- I really, really li-" suddenly a loud banging sound stopped me from continuing. "Hm? You really what?" "I- I really, really like—" there was a long pause "I really like you, and- and its making me nervous and- a-and very happy I guess that you're here- and that y-you wanted to sleep i-in the same bed with me, a-and now you're resting on my chest, I-I'm not complaining about that b-but I'm just surprised I guess?" I spoke in a fast pace, as if I only had a few second to talk before I was silenced.

"You– you what?" Harry repeated, sounded a bit dumbfounded. "I-I mean I like you too but- really? I've liked you since forever- I just- I never expected for you to like me back-" I cut him off by pulling his face closer to mine and smashing my lips onto his, kissing him like my life depended on it. It took him a second to respond, but when he did he kissed me back, then he subtly licked my lip, asking for entrance into my mouth, which I responded to by not granting access. He let out a groan and I turned red, feeling a slight erection forming in his jeans. "Harry, we can't– not right now" he whined a bit when I pulled away, but he smiled when I kissed him shortly again before asking; "Why not? We're alone, everyone's asleep, we can't get caught, we have tons of privacy too"

"Because I'm tired, I don't want our first time to be sucky"

"Okay then, tomorrow? You won't be tired anymore will you?"

"We have our O.W.L.s tomorrow we can't, maybe during the weekend, but for now let's not talk about it, I want to go to sleep." I cuddled up to Harry, his head nuzzled into my neck while my head slightly rested on his.


Word Count: 1371

uh if any of y'all have requests that aren't smut I'll probably be able to get to them and write them soon so if you want to request I'll be happy to look🙃

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