Grom fright.

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[Open on the Owl House living room. Y/n, a human like Luz, is sitting at the table, scribbling in a notebook. Luz is using a magnifying glass to examine a flower.]

Y/n: Hey, Luz, what are you up to?

Luz: Just trying to perfect my glyph skills. Check this out. [Replicates plant glyph, activates it, gasps when a flower successfully grows.]

Y/n: Wow, that's amazing! Your powers are getting stronger every day.

King: You think that's impressive? Check this out! Two warriors battling to the death! [Shows them the cat video on Luz's phone.]

Luz: [Rolls her eyes.] Thanks for that, King.

Y/n: [Laughs.] Well, at least we're getting some entertainment through the portal.

Luz: [Looks at her phone.] Oh no, my mom just texted me. I don't know what to say.

Y/n: [Sits next to Luz.] Let me see. [Reads the text.] "How's camp today, cariño?" Hmm, how about "Everything's great, Mom! Learning new things every day." It's not a lie, and it'll put her mind at ease.

Luz: [Smiles.] That's perfect! Thanks, Y/n.

King: [Takes the phone again.] Did you know that the Earth is actually flat?

Y/n: [Shakes his head.] No, King. That's just a conspiracy theory.

Luz: [Giggles.] Y/n is right, King. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet.

Hooty: Hoot hoot, Luz! Time to fill up that darling little head of yours with... [Regurgitates a stack of books onto the ground.] Mm-hmm. Delicious knowledge!

Willow: [Peeks in from the doorway.] Hey, guys, we're heading to the library. You coming?

Y/n: [Stands up.] Absolutely! I could use some more reading material.

Luz: [Puts her phone away.] Let's go! Adventure awaits!

King: [Follows them.] I forge my own path!

[As they walk out of the Owl House, Y/n smiles to himself. He's grateful for his new friends and the exciting world they've introduced him to.]

Cut to Hexside. The spider kindergarten teacher decorates the halls with streamers. Y/n walks in, following Luz, Gus, and Willow.

Y/n: Wow, this looks amazing! What's the occasion?

Luz: It's Grom, Y/n! The biggest social event of the season!

Gus: And this year, we have a chance to compete for the Grom royalty!

Willow: I'm just excited to dance with my abomination friends!

Y/n: Count me in! I'm ready to show off my moves!

[Suddenly, Axol enters, carrying a bunch of Grom-themed snacks.]

Axol: Hey, hey, hey! Look who's here! My favorite humans on the Boiling Isles!

Luz: Axol! It's good to see you again!

Gus: Yeah, we're excited for Grom!

Willow: Are you going to join us?

Axol: Of course! I'll be your designated snack provider!

[They all laugh.]

[Two masked health workers enter, rolling a stretcher, making siren noises.]

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