Eda's requiem

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The scene opens on a checklist in Eda's room, with her apprentice and friend Luz, her childhood friend Y/n, and Vilador, a witch like Eda, all standing nearby. Eda is looking over the list, which reads, "New coat for Luz", "Check itchy boy", "Pay water bill", "Clean Hooty", and "Burn old dress". Vilador is present, looking grouchy.

Eda: Luz needs a new coat. King needs to be checked for fleas. Am I missing anything? (Looks at her reflection.) Oh, you've changed, Owl Lady. (Takes a photo of her and her friends at Grom and looks at it.) It's worth it.

Luz: (Outside.) And three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and ten!

King: (Simultaneously.) And weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh, and weh!

(Eda opens her window and smiles as she looks down and sees Luz and King doing pull-ups on her staff in midair.)

Luz: Alright, King. What's the first thing you're going to do when you meet your dad?

King: And ten thousand! Well, once we're done training, I'm gonna move out of that closet, that's for sure. Then, I'm going to ugly cry. Hard!

Luz: Have you told Eda about your decision to leave?

King: Shh!

(They hear a noise and look up. Eda's window is closed. The witch herself is crouching under the window frame.)

King: (Outside.) I—I'm not ready yet. I'm not sure how she'll react.

Eda: (Sighs.) Everyone's leaving, huh? Even King. I guess I'm no substitute for the real thing.

Vilador: (Grouchy tone.) I've been saying that for years.

Eda: (Notices Vilador and smirks.) Ah, Vilador. Always a ray of sunshine.

Y/n: (Excitedly.) Hey, don't forget about me!

Eda: Of course not, Y/n. You and Chot-San are just as important. (Pats Y/n on the back.)

(Eda opens her trunk to place the photo in and spots a bell cittern with a raincloud and bolt carved into it. She puts the photo in her hair and picks the cittern up.)

Eda: Welp, nothing like a good distraction.

(Eda starts playing a song which we later come to know as "Raine's Rhapsody" and everything around her starts to float.)

Eda: (Gasps.) Has my magic returned?

(She stops playing: everything falls down.)

Eda: Oh, guess not. Stupid curse.

(Eda puts the cittern back in the trunk and returns to her list. Behind her, a plant starts to turn black and corrode.)

Vilador: (Grumbling.) Typical.

Chot-San: (Barking excitedly.) Woof woof!

Y/n: (Concerned.) Eda, what's happening?

Eda: (Sighs.) Just another side effect of this cursed magic. But don't worry, I'll take care of it. (Starts muttering spells under her breath.)

Chot-San: (Barks in approval.)

Luz and King: (Watching in awe.) Wow, Eda's magic is amazing.

Y/n: (Smiling.) Yeah, she's pretty incredible.

Eda: (Smirks.) And don't you forget it. (Continues to work her magic, successfully reversing the plant's corrosion.)

Luz: (Cheering.) Yay, Eda!

King: (Clapping.) Bravo!

Vilador: (Grudgingly.) I suppose that was impressive.

Y/n: (Proudly.) That's our Eda.

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