"Ive Been Calling All Night, I Know You're Home Alone."

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The news echoed through your mind, woodsborrow, a fairly quiet town filled with middle to few upper class kids.

You sat in class as the news of Casey Becker rang through your mind. You weren't close with her or that boytoy she messed around with, it wasn't even the murder that freaked you out, it was the description. They were gutted, gruesome bloody death, and right around the time of your mothers one year death-aversary.

"Y/N L/N."

A cop spoke into the classroom, eyes from all diverted towards you as you pushed your chair out and left.

The hall was quiet, bare, no signs of the usual kids that skipped even, you walked into an empty class room and sat down.


The woman across from you started off, glancing at a paper before folding her hands ontop of it.

"Did you have any relations to Casey Becker or Steven Orth?"

She questioned, her voice stern and obviously tired from asking and receiving the same information since 8am.
You shifted slightly, thinking for a moment.

"We talked occasionally in between periods but I never really got to know her enough."
The woman nodded before continuing, asking basic questions that she then penned down. Questions that varied from relations to Casey and Steven, and then to yourself. One particular question confused you though.

You sat next to Tatum and her boyfriend, your legs crossed as you played with a ring.
"Hey did any of you get asked if you like to hunt?"

You nodded, glancing at Stu as Randy's eyes darted between the group.
"They didn't ask me?"
Tatum spoke up along with Sidney agreeing with her.
"Because there's no way a girl could've killed them!"
Stu leaned his head to the side slightly as he spoke to his girlfriend.

"That's so sexist! The killer could easily be female. Basic instinct."
"That was an ice pick, not exactly the same thing."
Randy responded, earning a eye roll in response before the attention was turned back to Stu.
"Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out! It takes a man to do something like that."
"Or a man's mentality."
Tatum turned her head and faced her boyfriend, making eye contact as he smiled lovingly at her and shrugged his shoulders.

You groaned at the two, laying down and putting your head on Tatum's lap.
"Awe is the child tired?"
The blonde above you joked, making you groan in response as you covered your eyes from the burning sun.
Tatum chuckled in response.

"How come Y/N can act like this with Tatum despite her dating Stu but I can't get a shot with a girl who's single!"
Randy shouted, pointing at the two of you as Tatum leaned into Stu.
"That's because girls don't exactly find it attractive when all you talk about is every basic horror movie."
Tatum said, raising her eyebrows as you sat up, while looking at Randy with questioning eyes you spoke out with a straight face;
"Yeah do you like, get off to that shit? I mean it's all you talk about, you fantasizing about it?"
Randy glared at you with a disgusted look.
"Why would I get off to chicks covered in blood??"
"Chicks with big tits, covered in blood!"
Stu corrected, meanwhile Billy and Sidney were watching this all unfold, Billy playing with the ends of Sid's hair occasionally.
"And I don't know, some people got a thing for blood."
You continued, Randy ignoring you at this point.
You looked over, noticing reporters, school got out not long ago so it's not surprising if Mrs.Weathers herself was mapping out the area, that's until she glanced over and noticed you and Sidney.

Her red lips pursed into a smile, talking to one of her coworkers who honestly worked with her probably just cause she's hot.
You said, and it took nothing more, Sidney hopped up, followed closely behind you as the two of you quickly walked to your car, your friends close behind.

You got in the drivers seat, Billy and Sidney briefly talking outside the passenger door, it lasted barley a minute before Sidney had to leave to escape the embodiment of the devil.
"I don't get why she can't leave us alone."
She spoke irritatingly, folding her arms over her stomach.
"She's a reporter Sid, her job is to get on peoples nerves."
Your eyes were focused on the road as you spoke, very occasionally glancing at Sid.

You were just barley a year younger, you were 16 while she was 17. She was a big family person it seemed, she cared a lot about you but you still are her "annoying little brother."

You pulled into the driveway, your dad was gone for the weekend. You sighed, turning off the car and getting out, Sidney close behind.

It was around 8pm, you sat in the living room, noticing the motion light outside turn on but thinking a raccoon or something happened to pass by. You ignored it, that was until Sidney screamed, running out of her room with Billy not too far behind saying he was sorry.

You got up, but we're startled yourself by someone in a black reaper like dress and a ghost mask. You hopped back, almost falling as you yelled, Sidney called the cops, the ghost-faced person you saw seemed to have just disappeared.

What the fuck was that?

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