"I Keep On Calling You Babe, Why Wont You Answer Me."

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You ignored all thoughts from last night, running a hair through your hand as you stared down at your notebook.

School was calmer than usual, majority of the schools population was on constant look out, the thought that the infamous killer could be running around the school terrified some and intrigued others.

For some, it hurt friendships.

Girls were using any of their past fights against each other, any rumors, dumb jokes, etc. They used it, some even going as far to try and frame the other.
In all honesty it was entertaining for some, seeing past groups now split apart. For someone like you, who stuck with your few friends, it was funny. Sure you got along with most people in the school, but you stayed with the making 5 you were close with.

Billy sat next to you, trying to glance in your notebook but rolled his eyes when the page was blank.
You had been spaced out this entire time.

"What do you need Loomis."
Your question came out as a statment, shooting a glare his way. As much as you hated it, you still felt a urge towards the man, one you couldnt fully understand, but soon would.

He smirked and glanced between your eyes and your lips. You shook your head, resting it against the tiled wall behind you.

He placed a hand on your leg, you bit the inside of your cheek, your face unamused. You couldn't read him, was he interested in you, or your family.

You glanced the other way, staring at some fight that was going down at the end of the hall.

You put one of your shoes on top of the other, starting to fidget as his hand moved up.
Your eyes flickered down at his hand.
"Look at me."

You glanced up, confusion covered your face.

"Loomis We have to get to class."
You try and get up but his grip tightens and you sit back down. You watch the halls clear out, everyone rushing to where they need to be once the bell rung for a second time.
You looked back at him, wanting to say more but ultimately shutting your mouth when he was practically sizing you up. Or checking you out? You couldn't tell the difference.

"I like you."
"Bro chill out you just got broken up with."
"Plus my sister would kill me... maybe kill isn't the right word considering the current city situation."
You chuckle to yourself, trying to find a way out.

"Stu is hosting a party, tomorrow. You wanna come with me?"
You rolled your eyes and sighed loudly.
"Come on... what's the worst that could happen?"


The next day and a half went by. It was Friday now, and there you stood, outside of this large house.
Making you stumble back startled, Randy bursts through the front door, tossing you a beer that you barley catch.

"There's my best friend! Come on we're watching "prom night.""
He exclaims excitedly.
"Ah yes, a movie that we have watched hundreds of times. What else would I want to watch?"

He rolls his eyes and pats you on the back.
"Come onnn."
He whines as you shake your head and set the unopened beer on the table as Randy pops in the movie.
He plops down beside you, an arm resting along the couch edge behind you.
You could quote this movie word for word, and you hated it. The movie was cheesy and predictable but everyone seemed to be Into it. Probably cause it was a bunch of guys and chicks and dicks aren't a good combo. They all just wanted to see Jamie Lee Curtis' tits.

You noticed Tatem had been gone for awhile, confused you stand up.
"Stu ima go look for Tatum, she's been gone awhile."
His eyes flicker to you quickly.
"Umm. She probably bailed, got pissed off at me or something, stay here!"
He pulls you down by your sweatshirt, falling onto the couch weirdly you position yourself upright.
Confusion was apparent on your face but you left it at that. Spacing out for awhile until you heard Randy hop up and yell-
"You don't know the rules?!"

You roll your eyes.
"Here we go again."

"There are three rules! Number one, you can never have sex!"
The small crowd within the living room boos, a few guys grabbing their girlfriends in a seductive manner, resaulting in their hands getting slapped away and by laughter.

"I'm a dead man."
Stu says and sticks out his tongue, a girl named Elly woods grabbing his upper arm and laughing in response. Weird.
"Number two, you can't drink!"

Everyone , you included, clink your beer bottles together like a salute.

"And number 3, under no circumstances should you say 'I'll be right back!' Because you won't be back!"

Stu stands up, heading towards the door and you watch him with curiosity.
"Hey I'm getting another beer you want one?"
Randy says "sure" and shoos him off, diverting his attention back to everyone else.
"I'll be right back~!"
He draws out the last word, followed by a yell as you watch him stumble.
Randy points at him as everyone yells and laughs at him.
"Okay, I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife. Dumbass."

He mutters the last word, you get up and follow him, Randy calling your name before changing into an annoyed tone.
"First I cant have Sid cause of Billy and now Stu is taking my best friend! It's like they're out to get me!"

He scoffs and picks up the ringing phone.

You stand in the main room talking with Stu before moving quickly back as a group of teens run out.
"What the fuck are you guys doing?"
You shout, chuckling slightly.

"They found the principal dead and hung at the school! We gotta go see him before they string him down!"
One guy yells, his voice fading as he gets farther from the house. Soon you heard a few cars skid off.

You jump, looking over at Billy who just happens to appear in the doorway.
"I can't believe you invited me here, but don't show up until two hours in."
"Billy why don't you and y/n head up to my parents room, you know, to talk."
"Subtly Stu, look it up."

You look confused and glance over, Billy nods his head towards the bedroom upstairs. You follow closely behind.

"And there goes my best friend."
Stu laughs and sticks his tongue out at Randy before walking back into the living room where about 8 teenagers resided.

(Sorry I've been gone for so long I had the worst art block but I should be back now.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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