"Do You Wanna Be The Final Boy?"

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You just kinda paused, a mix between confusion and disgust was present on your face as Billy backed up.
"You challenged me."
You didn't even know what to say, just nodding your head and gulping as you sat back down.

What the fuck?

"Based on your reaction maybe you actually don't swing that way."
He shut the door and sat on the floor infront of you.

"I mean I think anyone is going to react like that when you just randomly kiss them. Plus your not a good kisser either, you should work on that."

"Who says I'm not a good kisser?"
"The person you just kissed dumbass."
He laughed, smirking with his slightly crooked teeth.

You sighed and it took a minute but eventually you shook off the uncomfortable feeling. Billy was attractive, but everyone and their dogs knew that. He wasn't the type of person you thought might be a possibility to peruse. Maybe that was with the fact he dated your sister.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence and Billy playing with his hands he stood up.
"I'm gonna get going."

And with that he left.

It was around 1am, past curfew but no one cared, everyone besides Sidney and Randy had left.
And the phone rung.
And rung.
And rung.

And you shot awake.

Quickly grabbing your razor phone and flipping it open, too tired to check the caller until you almost fell out of bed.


Not this shit again.

"What's your favorite food?"

"Go to hell."

"Been there, nice place."

Fuck it.

You hung up, ignoring your phone as it rang for another 20 minutes probably before you fell asleep.

You shivered say your brain retraced to the weird kiss.

What did he feel like?

Was he warm?

Was he a good kisser?

Does he feel good?

Can he make me feel good...?

You sat up, putting the book that you couldn't even focus on down.
Why would you think such vulgar things.

You shook your head and glanced at the alarm clock.
It was scheduled to go off in five hours but you shut it off and laid back down.

You weren't going to school.
Maybe that was the wrong choice.
But you were sick of everything.
Everyone annoyed you, everything, you just wanted to be left to do your own thing.
Maybe you just wanted to be held.
Or just be with someone but no one struck your interest.

Except one pretty boy.

It was probably 12? 1? In the afternoon, your phone rang and you sighed.


You questioned.
"I'm coming over."
"You can't just announce that shit. Why? Sidney's at school, shouldn't you be too?"

"I'll be there soon."

He hung up?
What the fuck was that.

You stood up, throwing on a random tank top and going downstairs.
As if on queue you heard a knock, opening the door you found a male about the same height, he wasn't lying.

"What Billy."
You spoke as if it was more of a statement rather a question.
"Why aren't you at school?"
"I could ask you the same."
You invited him and shut the door your dad would be home within an hour, he wouldn't be happy to see you home.

"I want to apologize for yesterday."
"I really don't care."
"Look im a good kisser I promise just-"

Really that's what he's hung up on? The fact that I said he sucks at kissing.
You felt bold, look at you, you weren't a loner but you kept your thoughts to yourself. Maybe you should've kept it that way.

"Prove it then."
"Prove it."

He just kinda stood there with wide eyes for a Moment, contemplating.

He put a hand against your jawline, running his thumb just underneath your lip.
You gulped, it felt like it was 80 degrees, why was it so warm?? It felt like this silence lasted forever, like you both were stood there, waiting for the other to speak or even do anything other than this.

You watched him lean in, glancing from his eyes, to his lips, and back to his eyes.
The kiss was soft, he was gentle, which wasn't something you would except from him.

You moved just ever so closer, putting your hands against his waist and tilting your head.
I think the first time you kissed someone was in 6th grade, believe it or not, it was Randy, he's really going through the whole Prescott family.
Or trying at least.

His hand moved down to your neck and rested there, his other one laid on your side, you could feel him slightly gripping the fabric of your shirt.

You ran your hand up and down his sides,  before moving them just barley under the hem of his shirt. You gripped his waist and pulled him closer to you, feeling his chest press against yours.

You backed up, him moving with you before you felt your back hit the wall, he moved his hands down, and down, and down.

You shot up in bed, your alarm clock reading 7am as your breathing was heavy. You slammed the top of it like some cartoon, believe it or not, it didn't work.
You pressed the button that was on the side and ran a hand through your hair.


"Are You The Final Boy? The One Who Makes It Out Alive."Where stories live. Discover now