"I Hear The Fear In Your Voice, As You Pick Up The Phone."

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You sat in the police station next to your sister. Distraught was apparent on her face as she almost burnt holes into Dewey. You had been there too long.

You knew Sid was going to break up with Billy, you knew he was just joking, but with everything going on it just wasn't a good time. Billy was in a temporary cell, you knew the questionnaire or whatever the fuck it was would try and pin the murders of Casey and Steve on him, you didn't think he would go that far but with a murder on the loose and the fact he just broke into his girlfriends home, it looked bad.

Sidney and you had been there too long, you honestly didn't want to be there and by the looks on Sids face, neither did she. Why's would you? It was haunting.

Tatum and her were whispering, before Tatum stood up, obviously prepared to cause a scene. Social anxiety feared her.

"We want to leave!"
She shouted, walking behind the desk and grabbing her bag as Dewey walked over.
"What did mama tell you? When I wear this badge you treat me like a man of the law!"
He stuck his finger in her face as he shakily spoke. She rolled her eyes.
"Alright officer dew! Now let us leave!"

Tatum sure was a good actor, getting you guys out almost immediately after. Sidney didn't want to be home so she decided to stay at Tatums, she wasn't allowing you to be alone either so it was, go with her to Tatums, or go endure Randy.
You chose Randy.

You usually would go to Tatums but you thought Sidney would feel more comftorable being able to be alone with her.
Randy opened the door almost too quickly, as if he was waiting for you.
His eyes widened slightly.
He questioned, his eyes furrowing in confusion.

"Can I stay here? I'm sure you heard what happened with Billy scaring me and my sister."

Randy hummed quietly and nodded, letting you walk in.
"Where's your parents?"
You asked, looking around the familiar but empty house. He set down his coke can, leaning against the counter.
"Went out for the night, I don't know if they'll be home tonight or not."
You nodded and set your bag next to the ebony couch, you could feel his eyes on you as you did this.

"So... since you know... Billy broke in does that mean Sidney and him are broken up?"
Oh no not this again.

"Randy, Sidney isn't going to date you."
He threw his hands up defensively.
"You don't know! Now that Billy isn't going to parade around her all the time maybe I'll have a chance!"
He walked over, folding his arms.
"Even if they did break up, which they probably will, they are gonna stay friends. Unless Billy did something like murder our mom, Sidney isn't going to hate him for a joke."

You sat down, your arm resting on the back of the couch as your best friend sat next to you, cross legged.
"Yeah yeah..."
That ended the conversation as he got up and put a movie into the DVD player.
It was prom night, his favorite, and a movie he would watch if it costed him his life.

You liked horror, gore, the whole gist, but he, he liked bad horror. The cheesy horror where you can perdict every movement.

It was the next day, you leaned on a locker as Tatum and Sidney spoke either side of you, you glanced at Stu, he was pretty, really pretty. But he was your bestfriends boyfriend so you weren't one to consider anything. Your eyes furrowed slightly, he was checking his head with Tatums pink Barbie looking mirror.

You could be looking into it too much but if you weren't wrong, that masked man you saw yesterday, bumped heads with your sister. He glanced at you and tilted his head slightly in confusion, your exspression went plain as you glanced over at Sidney, watching her talk.

"Fucking Hell!"
Your sister yelped, almost falling into your chest as you grabbed her. Someone dressed in that same outfit ran down the hall, screaming and laughing.

"Don't they know this isn't funny?"
Your sister backed up, sighing heavily as Stu made some dumb remark.
"Stupidity leak!"
Tatum yelled, waving her sucker in the boys face as you laughed.
Stu backed up with a disgusted face, trying to not get hit by the sticky candy as Sidney rolled her eyes and walked off.

You heard Tatum sigh as you looked over, you made eye contact before you nodded with a tight lipped smile and walked off, following after your sister.

Billy almost knocked her over when he jumped infront of her, claiming he wanted to talk and ultimately shooing you off.
You didn't budge, and earned a harsh look from him before your sister spoke.
"Y/N, it's okay, just get to class, alright?"

You rolled your eyes and nodded, heading off to first period, speaking to Randy on the way. Look you knew Randy was into typical horror movie stuff, but you were not in the mood to listen to him pin everything on Billy.

Sure he was the only suspect but that was due to some stupid prank, but you couldn't rub off the feeling he might be right. And even if he wasn't, there was someone else in that house... you knew it.

You sat on the couch, almost falling asleep as you tried to do your homework. You sighed and got up, heading to the fridge to grab a drink when the phone rung.

It very well could be Tatum or Sidney, but they both had your cell number. You got an anxious feeling but shook it off as you picked up the home phone.
You spoke, a confused tone lingered as you opened your can of soda.

"Hello Y/N"
The voice spoke, it was an interesting voice, one you didn't recognize, it had a sort of robotic underline to it.
"Who is this?"
You questioned as you leaned against the kitchen island, sipping your soda quietly so the person on the phone couldn't hear it.

"A friend. Are you having fun?"
They spoke quickly, straight to the point and brushing off whatever remarks you might've had.
But Having fun? What were they talking about? In honesty it was probably just some freshman pranking you, the school wasn't the greatest and you could easily get anyones number without question if you asked the right people.

You scoffed, setting down the drink.
"Having fun? Doing what?"
A small smirk rested on your face as you stared out the kitchen window.

"Drinking your Dr Pepper. Are you having fun? Alone?"


How did they know what I was drinking?? They could probably hear me drinking and just guessed.
"How do you know what I'm drinking?"
You questioned, the phone went silent for a few minutes as you walked around, breathing being the only thing that filled your ears, making sure your doors and windows were locked you froze.

"You missed the one upstairs. The bathroom."
Why didn't you hang up the phone?? You quickly hit that realization and hung up, grabbing a pocket knife from a nearby shelf and heading upstairs, the bathroom light was on.
Maybe you left it on.

You tried to ignore the cold shivers that electrified your body, walking into the room and almost passing out. The window was open.

It wasn't earlier.
Your dad hated the windows being open, didn't want bugs in his house. It was such a habit there's no way you would mess it up.

You shook, slamming the window shut and locking it before backing out of the room.

You clicked your knife, feeling the slight vibrations run through your hand as it popped out of its holster.

You didn't see anyone, but you couldn't shake the feeling you were being watched.

You kept the knife tight in your hand.

The phone rang.
Unknown caller.

So they were using a disposable cell.

You picked up.
And it was silent.

"What's your favorite scary movie Prescott?"

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