"And Ive Got Eyes On You Now, I Like The Way You Breathe."

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You stuttered out, confusion struck your frantic state. Who asks that??

"You heard me."

They responded, sounding impatient, you sighed heavily, putting your hand against the couch as you tried to regulate your breathing.

You hung up.

Might've been a bad idea based one the fact you heard the flower pot outside being broken.
You called 911.

"911 Whats your emergency?"
"I live on 34 elm street! I think someone's trying to break in. They called me and started saying they could see me and- and asking all these questions. I heard the flower pot outside break or something! And my window is open."

"Okay okay, calm down and stay on the line, I'm sending someone over there right away."

The womens voice was weirdly calming, you stood pressed up against the kitchen corner, somewhere you could see the whole house.

It didn't take long for the police to arrive and bang on the door, almost making you jump out of your skin.
They seemed concerned, especially since it followed the same pattern as the killings with Casey and everything.

They took you to the station after doing a full sweep of the house, they tried to track the number down but to no avail.

So they were using a disposable cell...

It didn't take long for your sister and Tatum to show up, Randy wasn't far behind them either. Sidney held your hand as she tried to question you, but you were so burnt out and tired. You were still anxious and your hands were shaking like crazy.

Randy rubbed your back as he tried to calm you, being smart enough to save his rant on how he still thought it was Billy for later.

Dewey walked in, his face filled with sympathy. He was a soft guy, and since you and your dad weren't close at all, he typically was the one you went to.
"You might as well live here at this point."
He joked, trying to lighten the mood but earned a glare from his sister.

It took awhile but eventually you were able to leave, you were advised to not go home but stupidity was your key. You didn't listen, and despite the attempted break in, all you wanted was to be home.
Your friends, or well basically Sidney's friends, decided to all have a sleepover, try and have fun without having to worry about anything.

Surprisingly Sidney invited Billy, which killed Randy's spirit. Most the night you sat on the couch, spacing out or writing. You weren't in a good mood, and this small party wasn't helping.
Billy leaned over the couch and looked at you.
"Your writing?"
He questioned, you looked up at him with a plain expression.
You always found the other attractive but didn't think anything due to him being your sister's now ex.
You nodded, and he shot you a toothy grin, glancing down at your notebook. It was mostly random story's but right now you were writing about what happened last night and other events. It was obvious he was trying to look but you shut your notebook and raised an eyebrow.

"Can I help you?"
You asked, he stared back at you and shrugged.
"Am I not allowed to talk to you?"
"I know your just here for my sister."
"Who says I'm not here just for you?"
He hopped over the couch and sat next to you.
"I don't swing that way."
You opened your notebook back up, knowing it was a full lie.
"Sure you don't. Tell me, who was the last girl you liked then?"
"Ive Never liked a Girl."
"So your gay."
You rolled your eyes, his eyes traveled down to your shirt and he rose his eye brows.
"You like Rob Zombie?"
You glanced down before looking back up.
"Yeah, it's my favorite band."
"I like them too."
"Sure you do."
It was his turn to roll his eyes as you scoffed.
"I don't get why your so cold towards me. I make your dick hard or something?"
He joked, you have an obvious fake laugh.
"Your a bitch, and you had the audacity to scare me and my sister when you knew there was a killer around."

Before the latter could respond Sidney smacked the back of your head.
"I don't want you two fighting, we're meant to be having fun."
You sat up quickly and turned to her.
"You're supposed to be having fun. I didn't want a party, I wanted to go home and take time to myself for once after our house almost got broken into for the second time!"

Before she could respond you were already walking up the stairs to your room, the living room now silent as everyone looked at each other. You heard Stu shout something before everyone else laughed.

Your door could've swung off its hind GES with how quickly it was opened. And there stood the man of the hour, Billy Loomis.
"Hey, sorry if I started that fight with you and your sister."

You sighed and got up, walking over and holding the door motioning for him to walk out.
"Shut up. What do you want."
"I'm apologizing."
"Didn't know you knew how to do that."
You clicked your tongue as you tilted your head.
"Shut the fuck up Prescott."
"Make Me Loomis."
And you didn't expect that sentence to make him Kiss you. It was only for a second, it wasn't sweet, it was weird actually. It seemed like he didn't know how to kiss.
You wanted to give in, but for fucks sake that's your sisters ex.

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