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"words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm."

Maddie Nears had been dead for three days. She mainly remained to herself, not interacting with anyone except Charley. She had not been interested in joining our afterlife support group and i don't blame her. I hated discussing my issues when i was alive.

I was forced by Wally to attend the support group held by Mr. Martin and they slowly started to help me... it only took 33 years.

I sat atop of the school building, my legs dangling off the ledge. Watching as the sun rised along the horizon.

"One crappy cup of coffee," Wally joked as he sat beside me and handed me my cup.

"Thanks," i smiled. We sat in silence, watching the sun. It was our thing. We watched both the sunrise and the sunset each day.

In the morning we would have coffees and at night we would have cookies and sodas stolen from the cafeteria.

"Have you heard anything new about that Maddie girl?" Wally questioned, sipping his coffee.

"Nope. I haven't talked to her since the boiler room. Charley hasn't gotten much out of her either. Why do you ask?" I tilted my head to look at him a bit as his cheeks flushed pinkish.

"Just curious." He answered. My stomach churned as I knew he was more than just curious.

"You're developing a little crush on her aren't you?" I gasped jokingly, poking fun at him.

"Please, i don't even know her! Let's just enjoy the silence, okay?" He tried to shut me down, he had no such luck.

"Oh my.. you're blushing! Wally stop trying to change the conversation!" I laughed, continuing my taunting.

"Enjoy the silence! Enjoy the silence!" He kept trying to shout over me.

"Okay, okay! I'll stop," I smiled as we sat in silence like he wanted. My smile slowly fading as I came to the realization... he really might be starting to like someone else. And i don't know why this thought bothered me so much.


"Alright everyone, let's get started," Mr. Martin called our attention as we began one of our many afterlife support sessions.

I took my usual spot between Charley and Wally, playing with the hem of my sweater.

"Hello, i'm glad you decided to join us, i'm Mr. Martin." My eyes averted towards the newbie dead spirit, i was shocked she decided to show. Charley must have done some heavy persuading to get her here.

"Well we have a new student with us, would you like to introduce yourself?"

"I'm good." She started before she was interrupted by Charley's obvious clear of his throat. He was pushing her past her comfort zone, like a good guide does.

"Sure, um hey, i'm Madison Nears but everyone calls me Maddie." She introduced while fidgeting in her spot.

"Hi Maddie," we all spoke, me forming a small smile her way.

•GOLDEN HOUR•   WALLY CLARKWhere stories live. Discover now