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"You've got to be insane!" Wally yelled as we stood at the ledge of the building.

"You can't expect me to jump off a perfectly good building!" I rolled my eyes with a sigh, "well, you wanted to know what i did with Glenn. This is what i did!"

I began to step off the ledge to get back onto the safety of the top of the building. I saw the contemplation in Wally's eyes before he broke, "fine, i'll do it. Just come back over here please."

I let out a small laugh as i once again climbed back on top of the ledge. Wally pinched his eyes shut, "ugh, i am so fucking crazy for doing this."

"Well you don't have to," i began before he interrupted. "No! No i'm doing this with you."

"Wally, you don't have to prove anything to me. We have our things, this is just one of mine and Glenn's things!" I didn't feel it necessary to pressure him into anything he didn't want to do. I wanted him to do it for himself.

His face became hardened by the mention of Glenn. He grabbed my hand quickly, his expressions confident and stone, "let's go." He replied before motioning us forward.

That once familiar feeling struck through me as i fell, the feeling of being alive. This time, i got to share it with my best friend. It made me feel more alive than ever... even more than when i was actually living.

We hit the ground harshly, sitting next to each other with laughter. Wally's eyes were wide as a smile grew on his face.

"So?" I questioned eagerly.

"Holy shit!" He screamed, tackling me into a hug. I was pummeled to the grass as he hovered over me. There was a silence i couldn't explain as he stared into my eyes. I felt a sensation that could've only been close to how your heart would feel when it begins to beat fast.

We were like this for a good while before someone cleared their throat. We looked up to see Charley with a knowing smirk. Wally quickly shot up off of me, putting a considerable amount of distance between us.

Charley couldn't help but laugh. "Uh, me and Rhonda are taking a pool day if you two would like to uh... cool off." Charley laughed again.

"Yes! A pool day sounds rad! I'll go get ready and meet you guys there," Wally spoke quickly before running inside the building. Leaving me alone with Charley.

My face was still red from what had just happened and for the fact that Charley had witnessed it all.

Charley sat down beside me, still grinning from ear to ear. "So, what was that about Miss Love?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," i tried to act calm and collected, sporting an innocent tone.

"Oh i think you know what i am talking about!" I shrugged my shoulders. "Fine if i have to spell it out for you, i will. I'm talking about how i just found you and Wally in a very compromising, almost romantic position."

"Oh that? He was just excited about something and then tackled me in a hug and somehow we ended up like that." I shook it off with a wave of my hand.

"He must have been pretty excited then," Charley joked, a smirk still playing at his face. I rolled my eyes, hitting his shoulder from his comments. Although i couldn't help but to laugh a bit after that.

•GOLDEN HOUR•   WALLY CLARKWhere stories live. Discover now