Denji Route - Dilemma

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*Songfic series: MANNEQUIN, Deco*27
Inspired by the lyrics of: Dilemma

[Direct part 2 of "Dilemma". Route of Choice: Denji -no last name given-]


[Description: "You probably don't even know." & "I'll come flying if you say you want to see me."

Denji x Reader


You keep running with the crowd. You run until you can't breathe anymore, the scene is stressful and whenever you look behind you all you can see are splotches of blood being thrown around.

Where the fuck is Denji?

Did you actually just leave him like that?

You mentally curse at yourself as you get to the safe zone. People are panicking, crying, hyperventilating, you are too. You scope out the group just for the chance to see Denji again. He's not there, but Yoshida is.

It didn't look like he was running with the crowd, actually, it looks like he's making his way towards you from the outside, walking into the carnival.

"[name]? What happened?" Yoshida asked, he didn't seem frantic at all.

Those words are what made you snap, you sobbed into your hands, "Yoshida! Th-there was a devil and and... ohmygod and I fucking left Denji there I'm such a horrible person!" You choked out from your sobs, Yoshida puts an arm on your back.

"It'll be fine, he's fine."

"How would you know that?! I basically just killed someone!"

"You couldn't control it anyway. He's not dead, I'm sure. He always finds some way to survive."

An ambulance was called, Yoshida pushed you on to one to get checked up. He didn't go back with you. You didn't see him again after that.


Yoshida walked into the festival, there was blood everywhere. Bodies too. He wasn't phased, he was only looking for Denji after all.
Denji was fine. The opposing devil was dead, body torn to shreds. "Good afternoon, Denji." Yoshida smiled.

"Good afternoon? Who the fuck—" Denji turned around to face the other man, "You again?! Leave me alone! I haven't been trying to reveal myself anyway!"

"Liar. You transformed in the crowd in hopes to get someone's attention." Yoshida sighed, putting a hand on his hip.

"How'd you know that??!"

"I was watching."

"Creep!" Denji muttered as he slowly transformed back, the chainsaws on his body melting off into a gray mush. His voice quieted down before speaking again, "... is [name] okay?"

"They're fine. They didn't see that you were Chainsaw Man, did they?" Yoshida's eyes were dark and dull, not something unusual to Denji, but made him worry for you.

"" Denji lied, he didn't really know if you even saw anything but believed you were smart enough to put two and two together.

"Good." Yoshida's voice was ominous as he turned back, waving away, leaving Denji confused as usual.


You lay in bed, wide awake. Was Denji still alive? If he wasn't, would he be still be alive if you'd stayed with him or pushed a little harder for him to follow you? If you died in the process, you bet it'd feel a lot better than the guilt eating at your stomach.

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