2. tutor

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"Oh lord, please I beg you. Let Niki find someone new again," Jay sighed. Jungwon and Jake looked at Jay in unison. Jungwon and Jake agreed. They all just wanted the best for him, for Niki.


"Choi Sooha?"

   "Here," Sooha raised her hand as the teacher called her name.

"Nishimura Riki?"

   The class went silent. There was no response to that. The teacher, Sir Wooju, was looking for Niki. But he saw that Niki's seat was empty, and not taken. Sooha took a look to her right, she didn't see  Niki there. The seat was empty.

   "Oh my god how many time's did I tell that kid," Sir Wooju thought to himself. Even though he think he said that in his mind, the student's could hear him because he said that, not loud but quietly.

   "Whatever, let's just start the lesson," Sir Wooju continued, opening the history book to page 24.


   Niki was standing at the library, staring at his phone doing nothing. He was admiring what he had in his phone, until someone interrupted.

   "Niki, I know your still thinking of Dain but honestly.. it's time you move on. I know it's hard, but you can't always do this Niki," Jungwon came, leaning on the bookshelf's next to Niki. Niki looked at Jungwon and sighed.

   "Hyung, it's not that easy," Niki said softly. Whenever he has to talk serious about his love for someone, he will talk properly. It show's that he really love someone, or the person.

   "I know, I know it's hard. But you have to, or you'll be stuck like this," Jungwon comforted him. Niki didn't know what to say. He loved Dain so much, but he was also traumatized of love.


   "And thats pretty much it. Also, if anyone see's Niki, please tell him to go see me," Sir Wooju explained. Everyone was preparing to go outside and get lunch when Sir Wooju called Sooha all of a sudden.

   "Oh yea? What's wrong sir?" Sooha asked.

   "Well, you know Niki hasn't been entering classes, and he seemed disturbed. Since your one of the top student's, please help me tutor him," Sir Wooju explained. That news made Sooha shocked. She didn't know what to say since Niki hated her, and the same goes for Sooha.

   "Alright, fine. Until when?" Sooha agreed.

   "Until he gets to catch up the topics. And make sure to have quizzes whenever you want to change the topic, it's just to make sure he really understands," Sir Wooju replied with a smile. Sir Wooju left the room, leaving Sooha in temper.

   "Now why do I have teach that son of a bitch," Sooha thought until she saw Sunoo and Yerin.

   "Are you.. okay? Cause you don't seem so," Yerin joked. Sunoo was about to laugh but he know she is serious.

   "Sir Wooju litterally told me to tutor Niki, god damn bro," Sooha scoffed. Yerin was about to laugh when Sunoo nudged her.

   "You have to agree with him?" Sunoo asked. Seeing Yerin still trying to hold her smile makes Sunoo want to laugh, but he couldn't.

   "I had to, I'm so pissed br— you know what Yerin, what do you want to say," Sooha suddenly said. She saw Yerin's expression and finally let her say what she want's to say.

   "Your always stuck with Niki, it's like you guys are just meant to be!" Yerin laughed. Sunoo hitted Yerin's back as she complained.

"Whatever I'm getting lunch"

"Wait, wait for me!"


   "Niki, what's going on with you the past day?" Sir Wooju complaint. Niki couldn't say anything and only stayed quiet. They just came back from their school holiday. Niki lost his girlfriend in their school holiday.

   "I'm sorry sir, I'll try harder," Niki said softly.

   "Harder?? That's your excuse?! You keep saying that but I do not see any change!" Sir Wooju got more mad. Niki just stayed quiet and took a deep breath.

   "Because of it, I told someone to help tutor, to help you study," Sir Wooju explained while cleaning his desk. Niki raised an eyebrow.

   "Hm? Tutor? Who?" Niki ask full of questions. Sir Wooju looked up at Niki and handed him a piece of paper. The paper was full of information's about the topic he is learning, and he saw Sooha's name.

   "Eh? Why is there Sooha's name?" Niki asked pointing at the left corner of the paper that say's Sooha's full name. Sir Wooju gave him a smile.

"That's your tutor Niki"


"No buts. I expect you to learn a lot from her"

   Niki was standing with shock. He didn't know what to react, he stood there as he was frozen. His hand was made into a fist. He didn't like the idea of Sooha being his tutor.

   "Niki yaa-" Jungwon called as he saw Niki standing looking at nothing, but a fist was created.

   "What happen to him?" Jake asked quietly to Jay. Jake was expecting to get a answer, but gotten a smack instead.


   "But what time do you have to tutor him?" Yerin asked, waiting patiently. Sooha reread the paper Sir Wooju gave.

   "Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. After 5 o clock. I actually hate my life," Sooha said as she threw away the paper.

   "It's alright Sooha, we never know what happens! This is your first day of tutoring though.." Yerin's voiced trailed off. Sooha stared blankly at Yerin, with a smile in her face.

   "Why are you staring at me like that," Yerin hid behind Sunoo as she said that. Yerin saw Sooha's expression, which made the three laugh really loud.


   "It's your first day of getting tutored then Niki," Jay said looking at the paper Sir Wooju also gave. Niki couldn't say anything. He hated Sooha, but he
love to tease her a lot.

   "Well, even if you decline this, Sir Wooju wouldn't want that," Jake said looking at Niki. Niki was thinking hard.

   "Whatever, I'm just gonna go home," Niki said as he stood up and got the paper out of Jay's hand.

   "Aish, right now Niki?" Jungwon desperately asked him to come back. Unfortunately, he didn't came back and went straight home.


   When Sooha just arrived at home, she saw that her mom was preparing herself and tidying up the place.

   "Mom, me and Jihan just got home. What's happening?" Sooha asked, looking at her mom going everywhere.

   "Change your clothes, look pretty okay? Were going to go to Mrs and Mr Nishimura's house for dinner. They invited us to eat," Sooha's mother explained. Sooha think's it was a advantage for her. She changed her clothes into something comfortable and brought her study books along.

   "Okay, I'm done!" Sooha informed.


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