26. birthday plan

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"Alright! thanks Jungwon. Take care!" Jay happily said, and he ended the call. Sooha took a breath, not knowing how to deal with this.

"Your life is full of.. drama?" Jay questioned. Sooha just pouted and stood up to leave. "Hey, it's almost your birthday right?" Jay added. Sooha stopped walking and turned her head.

"Hm? oh yes!" Sooha exclaimed with a bright smile. Jay nodded and waved at her. Sooha waved back and head her way to the school building.


"Fine! I'll help you in one condition. You help me study ya?" Jake crossed his arm's. Niki laughed at him.

"What? are you stupid or something?" Niki teased. Niki just received a scoff from Jake. "I'm joking chill! but is there anything else than helping you to study??" Niki added.

"I guess.. to be honest, I don't even know. Just help me get Jay and Suhrin together," Jake said. Niki was confused.

"Together? what do you mean together? didn't Jay hyung said he didn't want to date?" Niki said confused.

"Niki, you just don't know how Jay looks at Suhrin. His eyes just tell everything, plus their very close. They're cute," Jake said while smiling wickedly.

"Hmm.. yeah sure! that seems easy to do," Niki agreed. Jake smiled and agreed on helping Niki to prepare for Sooha's birthday.


When Sooha was taking her bag, she saw Chae who was sitting in the bench, staring at the gate. Sooha wanted to approach her, but she was rethinking her decision.

"Should I? uh man I don't know.. but if I approach her, that's the way I could finally stop getting bullied from Unra. I should do it. For me! and for Niki.." Sooha thought to herself, smiling at the last sentence. Sooha approached Chae and tapped her shoulder.

"Huh? o— huh?" Chae uttered. Chae bit her bottom lip, not knowing what to say. Sooha also didn't know what to say but sat beside her.

"Huh..? what's.. wrong?" Chae said, scratching the back of her neck. Sooha stared at the blank hallways and finally spoke.

"Report Unra and her friend's please"


"Thats the plan??" Niki said in a disbelief tone. Jake looked at Niki and scoffed.

"Do you want me to help you? no? alri—"

"Your helping me," Niki cut him off. Jake laughed seeing Niki panic. Jake continue to explain the plan. It was Sooha's birthday, and Jake retold Niki about the plan so he won't mess up.

"You already told her happy birthday right?" Jake reassured. Niki tilted his head.

"I'm planning to tell her when she arrives. Why?" Niki asked back. Jake gave him a confused look.

"Niki.. why are you so stup— you have to tell her a happily happy birthday too in chat! oh my god.." Jake said, while he put his hand on his forehead. Niki panicked and turned on his phone.

— Sooha 💘!

Niki : Happy birthdayyyy darlingg

Sooha : You remembered?

Niki : How could I forget my lover's birthday?

Sooha : You forgotten about me yesterday. You didn't wait for me 😢

Niki : Yeah that was yesterday

Niki : But still, happy birthday. Hope you have a good day, love youu

Sooha : Thank you, love you too. I'm almost in school, wait for me ya

Niki : Yaaa

"She's adorable," Niki said, smiling over his phone. Jake who thinks it was weird, took a look at his phone.

"Ahh, I see.." Jake said while smirking. Not long, Sooha finally came up to them.

"Ayy, happy birthday Sooha!" Jake congratulate. Sooha smiled and thanked him. Sooha opened her locker and put her stuff.

"Your gonna ignore me here?" Sooha said, looking at Niki who didn't said anything to her. Niki laughed and hugged her from the side.

"Happy birthday," Niki whispered while patting her hair. Sooha laughed and thanked him. Sooha's eyes widen up when she saw her other friends.

"Sooha!! happy birthday!!" Suhrin exclaimed with a bright smile across her face. They all went over to Sooha and said happy birthday.

"Wow, your old now!" Yerin jokingly said. Sooha just pouted weirdly.

"Yerin your older than me," Sooha said, which almost made Niki laughed. Yerin sulked and jokingly hit her.


"Hm?" Sooha turned her head around to see it was Chae. Sooha told Chae to record their conversation when they were planning to do any evil plan's towards her and Niki.

"Can I talk to you privately?" Chae said with hope. Sooha nodded but her hand was held.

"No," Niki said, looking straight at Chae. Sooha sighed and tried to let go of his grip.

"Let me go— she want's to talk to me about Unra and her friends. Remember yesterday? she wasn't any bad," Sooha said while letting go of Niki's grip. Just like that, Sooha and Chae left.

"If she does anything bad, I'm killing her and her friend's," Niki uttered. Jay looked at Niki in the eye.

"Niki, she won't do anything I promise," Jay said, trying to calm Niki down.


"So you got it?"

"I got it, here"

Sooha carefully listen to the video Chae took. Sooha sighed and bit her lip. Finally, she get to get the justice she was fighting.

"Show that video to the principal. Hm, how about after school. Can you do that?" Sooha said with a soft voice.

"I don't know.. Unra is going to be suspicious of me when I disappear a lot," Chae said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Trust me, it wont be long. They are probably going to call Unra also," Sooha reassured. It took quite a moment for Chae to answer.

"Mm.. okay," Chae said, putting her phone to her pocket. Sooha smiled in relief. Before Chae left, Sooha said something.

"Thank you so much"


When Sooha was with Chae, they all were discussing about Sooha's birthday plan. Niki and Jake explained it to their friend group.

"You guys agree ya? Jungwon and Minhee is going to arrive once we surprise her," Jake added. Sunoo got more excited.

"That's so smart! it's like our old friend group again! I'm excited!" Sunoo exclaimed.

"Nice, then see you guys after school"


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