20. rumors

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It was Wednesday morning. It wasn't bright as usual, it was full of cloud's even the bird's aren't in the sky. When Sooha got down from the bus, a lot of eyes was staring at her. Many students was whispering to one another which made Sooha walked faster inside.

"Oh my god Sooha.. your not gonna believe this.." Suhrin said as she walked her directions to Sooha. Suhrin showed her phone to her that show's a instagram post.

"What the hell!?" Sooha exclaimed, looking at the phone with disbelief. The phone was showing Sooha with another boy, which is clearly edited because Sooha was with Niki the whole day.

   "Niki knows I'm with him the whole day! he won't believe that!" Sooha exclaimed.

   "Well well.. what a cheater you are Sooha!" Unra teased, giving a wicked smirk to her. Sooha knew who shared that fake news, Suhrin got furious.

   "Why are you distracting Sooha when you want Niki?! you can get Niki, he won't like you. Ever!" Suhrin yelled at her face.

   "Oh ya? the prove say's otherwise. What a cheater Sooha!" Unra said. Sooha kept quiet as the student's started to surround them. Sooha just took a deep breath and took a cookie pack from her bag.

   "Now if you excuse me.. I have to give this cookie pack to Niki. Just.. shoo please," Sooha stated. She was tired of all the fake drama and news she was getting. When she was going her way out, someone pushed her from behind.

    "Oops, that was a mistake! sorry, can't deliver your cookies to Niki huh?" Ihnra teased. Sooha's cookie pack fell, as well as her body. Sooha pouted as she turned her head to Ihnra.

"What is your problem?"

   "Niki.." Sooha sighed. Niki came just in time. Niki was in front of Sooha. Niki gave a hand to help Sooha. Sooha got to stood up properly and walked behind Niki because he told her too.

   "Can you just accept I like her, Unra? when are you giving up?" Niki commented. Niki just scoffed and rolled his eyes. Niki left and took Sooha's hand to another part of the hallway. Unra stood quiet and left too.


   "What were you doing? I was worried," Niki said as he hugged her. Sooha just let out a laugh while showing him her broken cookie's.

   "I was about to give you this cookie pack. She pushed me and I fell, the same goes to the cookie pack," Sooha explained.

   "It's alright. Just stay with me the whole day ya? I don't know what she'll do again. She's hard to guess," Niki stated, lifting both of his shoulders.

   "You don't have to be protective of me. I can take care of my self, I'm just lazy to talk back to them," Sooha tilted her head.

   "Still. I'll be with you the whole day. Not only to protect you, I wanna be with you too. What's wrong with that?" Niki hugged her, putting his head on Sooha's shoulder.

   "Did you hear the rumors though?" Sooha asked. Niki let go of the hug and tilted his head, confused.

   "What rumor?" Niki asked.

   "If you see on instagram, you'll see me "cheating", on you. But I was with you the whole day! beside's, it was Unra who post that. Please believe me," Sooha explained. Niki opened his phone to check his instagram to see what Sooha told her was correct.

   "Oh," Niki said simply. Sooha started to laugh seeing his reaction. They both knew it was fake so they had nothing to worry about. But the thing they were worrying was the rumor that was spreading.


"Is it true? about you and.. the boy in insta? are you seriously cheating on Niki?"

"You know that is all fake right, I would never cheat on him"

   "Sooha, let's go for lunch!" Niki called her. Sooha was chatting with her classmate in the class until she brought up the rumor about her and the guy in instagram. Luckily, Niki called her for lunch. Sooha stood up and left the class together with Niki.

   "See. Even our classmate knows about the rumor. I hate being in a rumor, especially the fake one!" Sooha exclaimed.

   "Which of our classmate?" Niki asked, looking at Sooha's eye.

   "Hana. She asked me if I was cheating on you.. she should've kept quiet," Sooha muttered which made Niki laughed.

   "As long as your with me, you'll be safe. Trust me," Niki comforted, stroking her back. Niki and Sooha was walking they're way to the cafeteria when they accidentally saw Unra on the way.

   "God don't make eye contact, don't make eye cont— oh my god!" Sooha thought to her self. She accidentally made eye contact with Unra. Seeing Unra on the way with Niki beside Sooha, she know it's gonna be the end for her.

   "Heyy!" Yerin said, waving to the two. "How is your day Sooha?" Yerin asked, giving her a cheeky smile. Sooha let out a laugh as it wasn't the best day.

   "Yeah.. it's alright. How about you?" Sooha answered, getting her food from her bag.

   "I'm alright. We all were discussing to do a meet up. We were planning to go to Jake's house. Do you wanna come? it's at Friday after school!" Yerin invited the both. Niki and Sooha looked at each other and laughed.

   "Why are you guys laughing? I don't think there was anything funny in that sentence," Jake pouted.

   "Nothing. Yeah sure I'll come! Suhrin, your coming right?" Sooha said, turning her attention to Suhrin. Suhrin was new to their group. Suhrin isn't that social and a bit shy.

   "Eh me? oh alright," Suhrin said, smiling at Sooha. Sooha smiled at her and continue eating her lunch.

   "Can we invite Jungwon? I don't think he's far from us right?" Sunoo asked. They all thought of it for a second and decided to invite Jungwon.

   "Wait, I'll text him first. I feel like we should invite his little girlfriend of his," Sunoo joked, opening Jungwon's contact.

"You should!"

"He has a girlfriend?!"

"He does Sooha, how do you not know?"

— Jungwon!

Sunoo : Jungwon, can you go back to the city this Friday? we wanna hang out

Jungwon : Oh sure, I'll see my schedule

Sunoo : Nice! by the way, you can invite you little girlfriend of yours too

Jungwon : Sure whatever

   "I think he's gonna come!" Sunoo said excitedly.

   "We should do something for Jungwon! maybe bake him a cake? get him a cat!" Sooha squealed.

   "It's not even his birthday Sooha," Niki complained. Jay who noticed, laughed at him.

   "Are you jealous?" Jay teased. Sooha looked at Niki and laughed at him.

   "No, no I'm not!" Niki said. He was blushing because of the embarrassment he got.


   "What do I have to do to make him mine!" Unra complained.


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