3. dinner

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"Okay, I'm done!" Sooha informed.


   "Sooha, can you help Jihan get ready?" Sooha's mother asked while wearing perfume. Sooha went down and prepared Jihan so he would look outstanding.


   "Ooh, that mean's I could see Yeseo!" Jihan exclaimed full of excitement. Sooha nodded as she was brushing his soft hair.

   "Okay kids, let's go!" Sooha's mother said. They checked the house one last time, and made sure they did not leave any stuff in the house. They went inside the car and drove to Mrs and Mr Nishimura's house.


   "Niki, Yeseo! Get yourself ready, we got some guest!" Mrs Nishimura informed.  Yeseo's eye went big and excitedly change her clothes. Niki who just had his sleep was trying to process what his mother said.

   "Niki, I said go get yourself changed," Mrs Nishimura repeated herself. This time Niki heard his mother and got him self ready.

   Niki and Yeseo put effort to get ready. By the time they were finished, they both went down to gather and help their mother with the dining table.

   "Mom, who is our guest?" Niki asked while putting napkin's in the table.

   "The Choi family, familiar?" Mrs Nishimura replied looking at Niki's puzzled face.

   "Jihan is coming! Jihan is coming!" Yeseo said excitedly while running around. Mrs Nishimura laughed at her adorable behavior. That's when it hit him. Choi, Jihan... Sooha. Niki who was putting forks looked up at his mother.

   "Jihan Sooha.. are you talking about them?" Niki asked, hoping it isn't.

   "Yes, them. Mrs Choi is very nice, oh how I adore her angel personality," Mrs Nishimura said as she smiled.


   "I'm coming!" Yeseo said as she ran to the door. She opened the door and saw Jihan standing. Yeseo and Jihan looked at each other and jumped excitedly.



   "They sure are adorable aren't they Mrs Choi?" Mrs Nishimura greeted as she laugh. Sooha who saw that Niki was standing behind them, giving a deadly stare to Sooha.

   "Really? even outside school?" Sooha thought to herself.

   "Please, come in!" Mrs Nishimura welcomed them as they went in. Yeseo closed the door and grab Jihan to watch the television.

   "I know you kid's want to watch the television, but let's eat dinner first," Mrs Choi said as she bring them to the dining table.

   Sooha and her family sat in the dining room, face to face with the Nishimura family. Unfortunately, Sooha was face to face with Niki.

   "Now, let's eat shall we?" Mrs Nishimura said as they started to eat dinner together.

   "Mm! Delicious," Yeseo complimented. Yeseo loved her dinner, it was heaven to her. Yeseo and the rest is eating smashed potato, along with corn soup.

   After they were done eating dinner, Mrs Choi and Mrs Nishimura had a talk for a while, leading the kid's to play for the mean time. Sooha decided to tutor Niki now so she won't have too the next day. Sooha went upstairs where she saw Niki's room. Sooha knocked on the door, waiting for response. Once she heard Niki said "come in", Sooha opened the door, and closely shut it.

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