To help a friend

392 15 17

(Sorry for the long break it was terrible writers block. I've been having trouble with stories lately so everyone still following this thank you. Also I IDK what to name this chapter)

By the time Harry finally arrived with Luna Love-good and sat next to his Prima and friends the sorting ceremony for the first years was already over.

"Harry where were you?" Hermione whispers to him. Harry rubs his nose and answers shortly. "Happy my nose isn't a toe," he got raised eyebrows and he waved them off. "I'll talk about it later," he said waving them off.

They all give him another look, but their attention was drawn to Dumbledore as he stood at his podium. Usually he had a kind welcoming smile on him when he greeted the returning students, but this year his face was grave a serious.

"Students, I am sure you all noticed the extra security and Aurors who are present with us," Dumbledore starts out.

Indeed everyone had. Dumbledore went on with a long speech about Voldemort and how they had to be prepared for changes to happen and to fight for what they believed. Mirabel however was focused elsewhere. The entire time Draco was looking everywhere nervously eying the Aurors, his skin pale and he looked quite visibly sick.

"Mirabel were you paying attention?" Hermione questions her. Mirabel blinks bearily before shaking her head. "No I wasn't," she admits. "Professor Dumbledore just gave a speech about when you know who was here as a student. There are going to be Aurors patrolling the school halls," Hermione explains softly.

"Why? Wouldn't it be better to focus the resources more on the hunt for Voldemort?" She questions with a frown. Hermione shrugs but still looks rather worried yet tried to hide it.

Mirabel knows she should have paid attention to Dumbledore's speech, but she just kept her eyes on Draco who looked around every which way paranoid. He kept rubbing his arm and when he noticed her watching he just stood up and left the great hall.

Something was wrong here, something more than what meets the eye.

"Hey Mirabel, when do we eat?" Camilo whispers. "When Dumbledore's done talking about his life's regrets," Mirabel whispers back.


"Somethings up with Draco right?" Mirabel questions her friends and primo as they entered the Gryffindor common rooms.

The rest of the students were all eager to go to bed after stuffing themselves full from the welcoming feast, but Mirabel had hardly eaten.

"I've been telling you that for years and you only just now figured that out?" Ron questions giving her a look like she was crazy. "I completely agree with you Mirabel. Draco's up to something and I bet my wand it's not good," Harry states and Mirabel frowns.

"What no, I said something's up with Draco not that he's up to something. Why do you think he's up to something?" Mirabel questions.

"Because it's Draco," Harry answers like it was obvious and Mirabel groans. "Seriously Harry? Your still on about that? Did you learn nothing from last year? Draco has a sweet and kind heart," Mirabel said and Harry quiets while Ron scoffs.

"Please Mirabel the ferret is a simp for you. If you told him to jump off the astronomy tower he would and will jump off a astronomy tower," Hermione points out.

Ron looks deep in thought before grinning. "Mirabel go ask Draco to jump off the astronomy tower," he said and Mirabel smacks the back of his head.

"I am not asking Draco to do anything but tell me what's bothering him," she looses her angry expression looking at the others.

"Guys seriously I'm worried about him," She said sincerely. Harry crosses his arms purses his lips thinking over what to say.

"Mirabel, Draco is Lucious's son," Mirabel puts her hands on her hips. "So?" She questions. Harry looks at her like it's obvious. "Primo watch your words," Camilo said but Harry ignores him.

"So he's bad! It's literally in his blood," Harry said and Mirabel's eyes narrowed. "Your dead I'm gone. I am not witnessing murder," Camilo said standing up and leaving to the dorms.

"Excuse me? May I remind you that Sirius's family were jerks just like Draco's family and technically Sirius is like distant cousins with Sirius because his mother was in the black family!" Mirabel points out.

Harry flinches and for a moment Mirabel does feel a bit of regret for bringing Sirius up. The wound of his loss still weighed on Harry heavily and there were times in the night he'd woken up sobbing calling out for his lost godfather.

"That means nothing. Basically all the pureblood families of the twenty eight are related to each other except the Weasley's," Ron said. "But my ppint still stands. Your family has a hand in it, but ultimately you choose who you are. We just need to help show Draco that he doesn't need to be like his family before they make him do something bad," Mirabel explains.

"Mirabel I know you want to see the best in people, but right now something about Draco is making my skin crawl and my scar burn," Harry said and Mirabel crosses her arms.

"Harry's scar does only hurt when troubles a foot," Hermione reasons. "Than that just means Draco's already in danger and we gotta help him!" Mirabel insisted now extremely worried for her friend.

"Here how about we go to Dumbledore with this?" Hermione suggested. "No," Both Harry and Mirabel veto quickly surprising their two friends. "Dumbledore has been keeping too many secrets from me it's about time I let him have a taste of his own medicine," Harry stated bitter and upset. "And Dumbledore has been acting really creepy around me," Mirabel said and Hermione gives her a raised eyebrow.

"Creepy how?" She questions. Mirabel points out the reasons raising a finger for each new one. "He calls me for tea and asks me about my life, he's been monitoring my magic extensively, he sometimes talks about these things like recalling a memory, and sometimes he calls me Ariana," Mirabel explained.

"Who's Ariana?" Ron questions. "That's what I asked, but whenever I do he doesn't say anything," Mirabel explains looking away from them at the fire.

She crosses her arms and looks back at Harry. "Harry things are changing, Sirius was the beginning, people are going missing and winding up dead. Now that the wizarding world knows for certain Voldemort is out there he's not gonna bother playing it safe and hiding in the shadows. Three of his most powerful enemies are all in one location. You, me, and Dumbledore. He needs at least one of us out of the way if he even wants a chance at winning. He can't infiltrate with the Aurors around, but.... He can with a student," Mirabel pauses as it clicked to her.

She was just trying to get it into Harry's head that he to help Draco by pointing out his vulnerability to the dark lord, but now it clicked to her.

It clicked to the others as well.

"You don't think Draco actually? I mean he's a worm, but," Ron looks unsure. "Heard he's not coming back next year," Harry admitted. "But he wouldn't! Draco wouldn't hurt a fly," Mirabel insisted.

"He wouldn't hurt you..... but he'd definitely hurt Harry and Dumbledore," Hermione said looking to the boys. "We need to keep a eye on Malfoy," she stated.

"And help him?" Mirabel questions. Hermione and Ron look to Harry. He hesitates, but Mirabel gives him such a pleading look he eventually nodded. "Okay alright," he agrees.

They went to bed after that, but suffice to say none of them had a restful sleep.

(I am so sorry for the long hiatus and the lack of action in this chapter, and for how short it is, but I promise I will finish this series, but it might take awhile because of life stuff)

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