Dreams that haunts us

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POV: Brooklyn "A dreamer that's what she was

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POV: Brooklyn
"A dreamer that's what she was."
Summer #3

All the girls are here.

Ava is on the floor in front of the coffee table, nibbling on the cookies we made earlier.

Yasmine is in the kitchen, getting everyone more snacks.

Andi is shuffling the cards of Truth or Drink, and I'm in the bathroom, throwing my hair into a messy ponytail.

"EVERYONE BETTER BE READY OR I'M START WITHOUT YOU." Andi yelled after setting up the cards in neat stacks. Knowing her, I rushed out of the bathroom and headed towards the table, taking a seat next to Ava. Yasmine came moments later with juggled plates of food.

Andi leaned in and smirked, "Okay, I will go first, and we will do a clockwise rotation." Everyone nodded, and I was slightly relieved because if I were last, maybe I would get the easier ones. God knows that alcohol and I don't mix.

"Who in the room has the hottest parent?" Andi slowly read the card out loud. Everyone turned their heads to Ava because her dad is a DILF, but we don't talk about it because she gets easily annoyed.

"Well, mm, let me see," Andi made it look like she was thinking hard, even though everyone knew what the answer was.

"Okay, guys, you could say it," Ava rolled her eyes.

"Cough, Ava's, cough, dad," Andi said, trying not to laugh at the glare Ava was throwing her.

The game continues with questions more scandalous than the next; it made me gasp in surprise, Andi roll on the floor, and Ava run laps around the apartment. It wasn't until 3 a.m. that everyone said their goodbyes and headed home. My house was currently a mess, with red Solo cups scattered everywhere and an empty bag of chips on the couch. This will be a pain in the morning, but I didn't regret it at all; I needed it more than anything.

After successfully getting done with my night routine, I went to bed with a slight smile on my lips.

I hope that every day is like this.

I'm running.

It feels as if I'm carrying the world on my shoulders; every move I make is weighing me down and slowing me down, and I hate it because I can't afford it. I know he is close, because I can feel him and hear him—the monster chasing me through this vast forest filled with the same tall, thick trees.

I can feel his predatory gaze on my flesh and hear his snarl as he rips through the branches and jumps over boulders of rocks without his eyes leaving me. I am the prey of the hour, undergoing the mental torture he's brought onto me, because I know he can kill me right now and get it over with, but he doesn't.

This monster enjoys the chase.

I dare to look back, to dare him to end this, but he doesn't budge, covered in dark black fur, baring his sharp white teeth, ready to rip me open. When I turn my head back, a piece of my veil gets stuck on a branch.

The white, lacy cloth holds me back from running, and I pull and pull, watching as the wolf moves closer by the second; it's been hunting me for days, and it's ready.

Ready to show me what happens when you try to live with the wolves and howl like the wolves? My veil finally breaks off the tree, and I keep running even as my wedding dress weighs me down, because I'm doing this for him. I grab my wedding dress higher and don't dare look back. The wind pulls my hair behind me, the branches scrip the skin of my ankles, and an agonizing burn creeps up my leg, but I don't stop because I see it.


I see a cabin not far from a dock by a lake.

I pray my legs carry me a little further; I pray that I can reach the dock as I see the wolf round the corner, right behind me, so I close my eyes and run until I'm met with ice-cold water.

I scream; it feels like I'm being stabbed by a thousand knives, but I keep going and keep swimming even as the dress weighs me further down into the water. I swim through the pain until I reach the other side. I pull myself out of the cold water and onto the dock, coughing and laughing at the same time.

I made it.

The wolf is on the other side, watching me one last time before it leaves. Its dark blue eyes see right through me, but I don't care.

I'm free.

I walk towards the cabin, releasing a breath of relief that I am finally resting. I open the door slowly, peeking inside, but I'm met with darkness. Stepping inside the cabin, I look around for anyone. I call, but no one answers.

I'm in the middle of the room when I realize something—the familiar smell.

the smell of wolves.

I try to run towards the door, but it's too late.

The wolves pounce, and I'm left screaming for help. I scream as they tear my dress and bite into my flesh.

In my last moments, I'm haunted by the look of that one wolf's dark blue eyes, and I realize it was never over.

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