Arriving at the north pole

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Y/n was a bright wonderful darling, at the age of 16 she is very smart but she does have a smart mouth sometimes, she tries her best to hold back her tongue especially when she's talking to Neil. You see y/n didn't like Neil very much, after he had almost taken her and Charlie away from their dad, who he believed was crazy, y/n did think he was crazy but not that crazy, she believed on that faithful night of Christmas. y/n and Charlie saw Scott with a twinkle in his eyes they knew he was Santa.

{~y/n's pov~}
"Dad, please?! You always take Charlie and he's my twin brother I smell favoritism!" I looked at him and crossed my arms "You know eventually I'm going to get older and maybe I'll stop believing!" I glared at him, my dad rolled his eyes "I know you'll never stop believing because you can't help but think about the North Pole, now head to bed " I rolled my eyes and went to bed and lay there, I couldn't help but think about the North Pole, perhaps he was right I won't stop thinking about it and maybe I should stop, I yawned and fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and heard the pitter-patter of feet, I looked around to realize I wasn't in my bed I got up I wasn't in my pajamas I was wearing a nightgown. I walked out of my room and I saw elves I took a sharp breath and all the elves looked at me "Morning, y/n!" my eyes widened I went back to my room and closed the door. I screamed, not because I saw elves but because when I turned around I saw this boy in my room, he looked around my age. "you're the first human kid to scream out of fear in the North Pole." I then crossed my arms "I wasn't scared, and I'm not a kid! I am a teenager and why do you have a New York accent? And where's my dad? And who are you?" The elf rolls his eyes.

"You don't seem like Charlie's sister- he didn't ask this many questions he just enjoyed being here" He looked me up and down and then I looked at him offended "Well for starters Charlie was eight when he came, of course he wasn't going to ask questions!" Then he nodded in agreement "Well to answer your question, I have a New York accent because I was from New York before I came here, your dad is in his office, and I'm Bernard nice to meet you y/n let's go see your dad."

{~scotts office~}

"Oh y/n you're up and I see you've met Bernarddddd" he nudged Bernard "Sir that isn't very work appropriate you and I both know that" my dad rolled his eyes, "I hope he welcomed you better than he welcomed me 8 years ago" my dad laughed and I just stood there and nodded, Bernard rolled his eyes "because you called me everything but my name sir, you called me 'Barabbas and barnaby' I'm sure you'd be just as mad if someone said your name wrong repeatedly sir" Bernard said while looking at my dad with a deathly stare which made me giggle and then Bernard looked at me he looked me up and down and walked off "what's so funny?" I shook my head "nothing dad" my dad nodded

"Well Judy today will be showing you around the shop and the—" Bernard stopped dead in his tracks "the shop?! The shop?! Santa! Do you even hear yourself right now? It's dangerous for a simple human to walk around the shop, hey maybe the village is okay but not the shop!!" I looked at Bernard up and down out of anger and disgust "well excuse me- you clearly didn't think it was dangerous for a HUMAN EIGHT YEAR OLD BOY to walk around, so if Charlie can walk around here as a HUMAN EIGHT YEAR OLD BOY, I can walk around as a 16 year old girl thank you very much!"

Bernard's eyes widened and so did my dad and Bernard stormed off "well then" my dad said while drinking his hot cocoa "what's his problem with me?! Is it because I'm a girl?! A human girl?!" My dad stood up from behind his desk and put his hand on my shoulder "honestly y/n I don't know, he's never acted like this before I have to talk to him" then I nodded and then I went to find this Judy elf girl I heard about her before because of Charlie he's always talked about how she's had the best hot cocoa

{~to be continued~}

A/n: I'm taking my time on this one because i want it to be perfect

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