Uh oh

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{~Bernard pov~}

"Y/N!" Me and y/n looked and then we saw the big six, we quickly sat up and got up and off the ice rink Santa looked at me "gonna get a hot cocoa huh?" He crossed his arms, then Cupid said "I mean I guess he considers your daughter a hot drink" Then Y/n's face turned red then she looked at me and then I looked at her then we both looked at the ground "Bernard get back to the shop, y/n to your room now-" me and y/n both nodded and did as we were told then I heard Cupid "come on ol' Saint Nick, look at them they're obviously both in love"  I walked next to y/n and grabbed her hand she looked at me and smiled weakly.

I looked at her and smiled a bit then we got to the doors of the shop I grew a mistletoe over our heads and we kissed and went our separate ways

{~y/n pov~}
I was crying in my room judy and Abby tried to comfort me then Judy rubbed my back "Well here a plus...you know Bernard doesn't hate you-" then I gave Judy a look then she laughed nervously "he likes me and I like him too! Why doesn't my dad understand?!" Then Abby placed down her hit cocoa "maybe because you guys barely know each other?" Then I looked at her "I guess but when I kissed him it felt like a thousand fire works went off! I felt like I've known him my entire life! A-and—" there was a knock at the door it was my dad he asked Judy and Abby to leave "y/n listen—" then I looked him in the eyes "no you listen!! I'm happy and you can't accept I'm talking to a guy dad!!"

My dad looked at me all sad "y/n-" the I bawled up my fist "I'm not your little girl anymore dad!! I'm 18!!" I ran off crying bumping into Bernard on my way out of the work shop I ran off far enough were you couldn't even see Santa's workshop or the elf village, there was a snow storm then I see a figure then black out


I wake up and I'm in a cottage with penguins and sat up quickly looking around and u see a man who was blue I looked at him confused "hi I'm-" he cut me off "y/n? Yes I'm aware I'm Jack- jack frost" he held out his hand and I shook it "jack frost?! The legend?!" Then jack smirked "I wouldn't call myself a legend but thank you- make yourself at home- I've heard about you- my penguins walk around the north and south and once they told me about your beauty I had to see it myself!"

I blushed brightly "why thank you frost! You're so sweet! How come I've never seen you at the council meetings with my dad?" I took a sip of my ice tea "your dad?, the jolly old man is your dad?!" He looked at me as if I was crazy "yeah I moved in with him not too long ago" then frost nodded "oh okay- well they suspended me for a bit from the council meeting.." he looked a little sad then I looked at him "what why?" I looked at him kindly then he sighed "because I made it snow in the Bahamas...in July" I smiled and giggled "a little Christmas in July never hurt anyone-" jack smiled a bit "that's what I said then they all gave me a stern look" I gave him a side hug and rubbed his back

He smiled a bit but continued to look sad "how far are we from the North Pole?" I took a sip of my ice tea "about 4miles" i looked worried "if you want I can take you home to your dad" jack suggested and I nodded quickly then there was a knock at the door then Jack went to answer it and it was Bernard and my dad, Bernard saw me and jack then his eyes widened and he pounced on jack and started choking him "what did you do to her?!" He started beating jack up "Bernard!! Leave him alone!! I'm fine! We were just talking!!" Bernard looked at me with his knuckles all red from beating up jack. I helped jack up "I'm so sorry frost" I took a handkerchief out my pocket and wiped the blood off of jacks face "it's fine y/n really-" then he smiled at me we looked each other in the eyes.

"Alright y/n let's go home" my dad stated sternly I walked past Bernard and scoffed "ugh men" Bernard followed behind me and tried to apologize

{~Santa's pov~}

I looked at frost "I don't know what you were doing with my daughter and that whole handkerchief thing was but you better stop I got 1 word for you...18! And you're 37,000 years old stop flirting with her! And my elves!!" I walked out

{~north pole~}

As we arrived in my sleigh everyone cheered for y/n being back I gave her a look "my office you two now" I went to my office they followed behind me i put my coat on the coat rack and I sat at my desk "so wanna tell me what that whole thing was on the ice rink?" Bernard looked awkward and y/n looked at me "we just getting along with each other—"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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