It was all an accident!

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{~Bernard pov~}

My heart dropped as I looked at them, soon Santa looked at me with a look on his face I've never seen before. I just stood next to them and went over the issues and what they needed to go over in the meeting, they could obviously hear the nervousness in my voice from Santa eyeballing me across the room I heard a few snickers "I'm gonna go get some hot cocoa sir if you don't mind I'm going to ask Curtis to finish this for me!" I ran off

{~y/n pov~}

I walked passed the big 6 having a meeting I was humming Santa tell me by Ariana Grande I went outside and went into the kitchen skipping and grabbed a cookie and helped some of the elves with toys and stuff and doing whatever they needed help with

{~Bernard's pov~}

I was walking by the workshop full of elves and I hear and elf say 'jeez y/n if you keep this up you could take Bernard's spot' which makes me jerk my head towards the elves which makes every elf stop talking and working "who said that?-" they all point at Curtis, of course it was Curtis. Curtis is always saying something like that I went over to Curtis and the elves continue to work "Curtis you're very funny, but you and I both know that's absolutely impossible because—" Curtis rolled his eyes "actually according to the Santa handbook-" then I sighed "ohhhh the Santa handbook! Curtis do you go peepee with that thing?!" then I heard a giggle

Then I jerk my head to y/n "of course you're laughing you humans can never take anything seriously! Especially you! Can you actually be helpful and go away? Go help judy or something!" Then y/n's smile faded then it was angry then tears filled her eyes and she stormed off then the room filled with "ooooooo's" I rolled my eyes "HEY! Get back to work will ya?!" They got back to work "go help Santa with his meeting Curtis, I'll be in the kitchen getting something to drink"


I walked through the door then I felt a sharp pain "OW MY NOSE!!" It was bleeding chocolate I grabbed a paper towel "what the heck Judy?!" Then she shook her hand off "that's for what you said to y/n! You do realize if she tells Santa your in trouble! I suggest you go apologize right now!!" Then I rolled my eyes and scoffed "you're acting like a real gnome!" Then the other elves gasped, because gnomes are known for lying and cheating being mean etc. "it's facts! So anyways Judy my hot cocoa please I'm stressed" I crossed my arms then Judy crossed her arms "no I'm no longer making your hot cocoa now and I don't know what your problem is with y/n you've never been this mean to anyone!!"

"I'm not being mean it's just honesty and if you guys can't take me being honest that sounds like a you problem!" I got up and sighed "you know what I don't need your hot cocoa I'm going to the candy cane pub!" I walked off and went on my way to the candy cane pub, then I saw y/n crying. I was gonna keep walking but then I decided to walk over to her and I put my hand on her back she looked up and then she pushed me away "what do you want?" Then I took both of her hands and I took her to the ice rink and used my magic to put ice skates on both of us and I dragged her onto ice with me she looked at me and smiled a bit with a few tears in her eyes

I smiled at her she followed my lead and she kept her eyes on me and I kept my eyes on her we focused on nothing but each other "listen
Y/n I didn't mean what I said okay? You're the most beautiful funniest sweetest human I've met plus charlie I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings okay?" She smiled a bit more soon her tears went away "even if you're apologizing to keep your job as head elf I forgive you" I laughed a bit "trust me my apology was genuine I promise and we elves don't lie" then I pulled her close by her waist

{~y/n pov~}

I blushed our faces were inches away from each other I didn't know what to do so I went in for a kiss which ended out HORRIBLY i accidentally head butted his nose "OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY!!" Then he held his nose and laughed a bit, then he pulled me closer and looked me in my eyes "here's what you were trying to do" he kissed me deeply and I kissed back and then I heard "Y/N!!"

An elf and a Human girlWhere stories live. Discover now