Its gonna be me

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I finally found Judy she welcomed me to the north pole I thanked her graciously and she asked me if I'd like any of her hot cocoa. I nodded my head and Judy smiled then Judy and I were talking about our lives and we got on the topic of Bernard "Here's the problem he's cute but rude!" Judy rolled her eyes and took a sip of her hot cocoa, I looked at her and shrugged "Rude yes, cute? Heck no" Judy laughed at me i rolled my eyes because I'm being so for real Bernard is a pain in my behind

"maybe you're right maybe he doesn't like you, but there has to be a reason, here, hand him, my famous hot cocoa, and try to start a conversation with him" Judy handed me a tray of hot cocoa, and I looked at her as if she was crazy "are you insane? He already doesn't like me as it is and if I walk up to him with this tray of hot cocoa, he probably thinks I tried to poison him!" I looked at Judy and she looked at me and started laughing I rolled my eyes and went upstairs next to my dad's office was Bernard's room and on the door. I knocked on the door no answer but I heard someone inside so I walked in and there he was

Bernard was dancing and singing with a Walkman I wish I had my phone to record this, he was singing and dancing to *NSYNC. It was funny, but somehow cute. Could he not hear me or see me? "You might been hurt, babe
That ain't no lieeee" He was dancing and singing I tried so hard not to laugh  he turned around and screamed, which almost made me drop his hot cocoa. "Hey watch it bud you almost made me drop your hot cocoa" I placed the hot cocoa tray on his desk he slid his headphones off his pointy ears and, put them around his neck I put my hand out and he took my hand and stood up "Instead of telling me to watch it, knock next time" then I scoffed "I did knock Barnaby you just didn't hear me next time turn it down!!" I rolled my eyes "First off it's Bernard second warn me that you're there, your face of scary" i smirked and rolled my eyes "thats not nice of you to say to the daughter of your boss Barnaby"

Bernard rolled his eyes and took a sip of his hot cocoa and crossed his arms "what do you want?" He frowned and raised an eyebrow "nothing just dropping off your hot cocoa" then I walked off

{~Bernard's pov~}

Okay I had to admit it she's freaking adorable but she's Santa's daughter he would absolutely murder me! I mean six feet under the snow and I can't let that happen because then Curtis would be head elf-

I went back to listening to my music and I did take y/n's advice to turn it down and thank god I did because I caught her recording me and then I snatched her phone "Hey!!" She reached for her phone and held it above her head (A/N: we're gonna pretend you're shorter than 5'6 just incase you're not)

I laughed at her then she ended knocking us both over I looked at her she looked at me she was on top of me- holy mother of Jesus- then we heard the door open, me and y/n both look at it and it was cupid then he looked at us "okay definitely not that bathroom-"

He left and then she continued to look at me and I looked at her we sat there for about a minute and then she grabbed her phone and got up and then I got up "by the way if you post that anywhere you can get in trouble, only you can see the video because you believe in Santa and the elves..." then I cleared my throat "I'm going to check on the elves-" I walked off

{~y/n pov~}

I was red in the face and I walked into my dads office and where he was having a meeting with the great 6 I walked past them all with a red face and I went into my room which was also apart of dads room

{~ 3rd person~}

Santa looks at Cupid and then the others "why is her face so red?" Then Cupid shrugged "I mean what do I know? She's most likely in love" then Mother Nature smirked and then gave the others a look and then santa looked at Cupid "what makes you say that?" Then Cupid chuckled "I mean I am Cupid" then santa nodded "that's true" and then Cupid looked at the others "also because I walked into a room thinking it was the bathroom I saw her basically straddling the poor elf, both of them looked at me with a red face-" then Santa looked at Cupid "you didn't think to tell me that before?!"

{~Bernard's pov~}

I walked into Santa's office with hot cocoa for everyone then Cupid pointed at me and whispered to Santa which made my heart drop...

{~to be continued~}

An elf and a Human girlWhere stories live. Discover now