Part Two | A Ball

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y/n's pov:

I entered the Undercroft to see Ominis standing in the middle of the room. His wand was pointed at the entrance, the familiar red light blinking from it.

"Hello Ominis, Sebastian isn't here yet?" I asked, walking towards him. Sometimes I wondered if he was aware of how beautiful he truly was. Even in the dark Undercroft, my eyes only saw him as perfect.

"No, despite his Owl telling me to drop everything to come here," he scoffed, "I was in the middle of a potions paper." I hadn't gotten to be alone with him since our last encounter, the whole visualizing thing. My brain often wandered to his unfinished sentence, about what he wanted to say.

"Hhmmm, well he shouldn't be too much longer, mine said to meet him here as soon as possible."

Almost as though my words had summoned him, I heard the entrance to the Undercroft begin to open.

"HAHAH," he laughed, running towards us. He seemed excited, a wide smile across his face as he laughed. I couldn't help but smile too, his joy was contagious.

I figured he would slow down as he got closer to Ominis and I, but I was startled abruptly when I felt him pick me off my feet, spinning in a circle while I clung tightly to him.

My startled yelp became a bout of laughter to match his. So he clearly was excited about something.

"Anyone care to clarify what is happening?" Ominis asked, sounding a little annoyed. I could understand why, he was probably more confused than I was.

Sebastian gently put me back on my feet, holding a close arm around me.

"A Ball!" Sebastian announced, "I've heard a rumor that Hogwarts will be holding a Ball!" He laughed, grabbing my hand in one hand and my waist in the other. His dancing was erratic and unorganized, but fun none the less. I couldn't help but laugh as I danced along.

Sebastian was always so fun. In fact, I wasn't sure anyone else has managed to make me laugh as hard as he could. They never even came close. Through fifth year and into the sixth, he has truly become one of my best friends.

My eyes trailed over to Ominis as Sebastian and I danced. I felt a tinge of hurt watching him slump against the wall. He was not laughing, he looked almost- sad.

I had a soft spot of Ominis. While Sebastian was good fun, it was Ominis who held my heart. He was the one I would run to if I had nightmares, the one I would confide in when I was reliving the events of fifth year. He understood me like no other.

And I had been that for him, though his troubles often regarded his family. We were messed up and broken, but when we were together, it was like we became whole.

Sebastian knew how I felt about Ominis. He saw the way I stared at him longingly, the way our conversations would always take a turn towards him- and he made sure to tease me for it. He thinks I should come clean, and just tell Ominis how I feel- that he feels the same- but I found that hard to believe. Ominis had never made any romantic moves towards me, and the rare times I did attempt to flirt, he didn't offer much in return. I made Sebastian swear to keep my feelings for Ominis a secret.

I let go of Sebastian, and reached out for Ominis's hands. I startled him a bit, "what are you-" he started, but then laughed as we began to dance around aimlessly. Sebastian clapped and laughed along, trying to hold a beat that Ominis and I clearly weren't following. I never wanted Ominis to feel like a third wheel when Sebastian and I were together.

If this rumor of a ball was true, I was sure of who I wanted to go with.

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