Part Thirty-Five | Guilt

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Ominis sat beside y/n at the small wooden table in the cozy cottage in Feldcroft. His hand held hers, occasionally running his thumb over her smooth skin.

He was deep in conversation with his three friends; y/n, Anne, and Sebastian. For the first time in a while, Ominis was able to actually feel relaxed. The stress of the impeding wedding, his escape to be with y/n, acing his final exams, all of these had taken a toll on him. But being here, much like when he was younger, was an escape from all the troubles he faced.

"Sebastian, could you help me to my room. I'd like to grab something," Anne choked out, offering her feeble hand to Seb.

"What do you need? I'll just go grab it," Sebastian offered. With each passing moment he grew more overprotective of Anne- he didn't so much as want her to lift a finger if she didn't have to.

"No, you won't be able to find it, just help me," she continued, standing slowly. Y/n noted that Anne looked just a weak as the last time she was here, which meant the potion Sebastian had brewed had not worked.

"Okay, okay," he agree, carefully wrapping his arm around her. He shifted to support her weight, though there wasn't much to support.

Once inside the small room, Anne closed the door, and reached for a small knit cardigan on the bed. She wrapped herself in it and sat on the edge of the bed, staring up at her brother.

"I think I could have found a cardigan Anne," Sebastian teased, though she didn't laugh. "What?" He shrugged.

"You're lucky he's blind and she's too enamored with him to notice the bitter look on your face out there," she lectured.

"I'm not being bitter," Seb dismissed, crossing his arms across his chest defensively.

"What's going on? You were so happy the last time you were here, but now that he's here... with her-"

"It's nothing Anne, I'm not being bitter."

Anne sighed, shaking her head loosely. "You like her, don't you?"

"She's my friend Anne- and so is Ominis-"

"Yes but you like her- beyond that," she interrupted.

Sebastian stared at his sister quietly, biting the inside of his cheek angrily. He didn't want to argue with her, especially not when he knew she was right.

"I've never seen Ominis so happy," she continued.

"No need to rub it in," Sebastian rolled his eyes, sitting beside his sister.

"You should be happy for them-"

"I am- I just- I don't know. I'm the one who wanted them together in the first place- but I just care for her so much- and watching them together- it made me realize that maybe I wanted that to be me the whole time..." he sighed, shaking his head as how stupid he sounded. He shouldn't like his best friends girlfriend, and yet here he was, wallowing in the fact that it was not him she was kissing.

. . .

Ominis and y/n remained waiting around the small table for their friends to return. Y/n used this opportunity to lay out her ideas for Ominis's soon-to-be escape. The two had discussed ideas here and there, but never really concocted a fleshed out plan.

"So, the ship leaves at 10 a.m sharp- the day after you return to Gaunt manor- the day of the  'wedding.' You'll have to act as if everything is normal up until then..." Ominis tried to focus, but he felt a knot tightening in his stomach at the mention of what was to come. " shouldn't be too difficult for you to slip away with everything that is going on, and then we'll meet at the west end of the ship-"

Ominis nodded in agreement to her words, like he always did when she reiterated her ideas.

"Does that feel doable?" She asked, "Would you rather do it another way?"

"No, that sounds fine. Maybe we should continue this conversation later-"

"Later- now is later. We're in our final week Ominis..."

"I know, I know," he deflected, "it's just we're here, with Anne and Sebastian, we shouldn't be worrying about this here."

"Okay..." she sighed, "later then."

. . .

The Courtyard

Ominis's pov:

Marie and I were partaking in our daily stroll, her brother trailing behind us. I didn't dislike these walks, it was just that there were other things- other people- I'd rather be with.

"Why don't we take a seat," Marie offered, guiding us towards a small bench.

"You don't want to finish our walk?" I asked. It was unusual for her to break our routine.

"No, I think I'd just like to talk today," she laughed nervously. "Fall back William," she instructed, "I'd like to have this conversation privately."

I could hear William turn on his heals as he gave some distance between us.

"Is everything alright," I whispered, unable to tell how far our of earshot William actually was.

"You don't have to whisper," she giggled, "He is over by a tree, practically in his own world." She shifted closer to me, interlocking our fingers together. "I just want to tell you that I am grateful I was matched to such a gentleman."

I felt myself blush at her compliment.

"I must admit, I was rather scared when my parents said your family requested our engagement," she laughed, "but I see that was foolish now. If I were to be matched with any pureblood, I am very lucky it was you."

"Um, thank you Marie. That is very kind," I smiled, trying to make sure the guilt I was feeling inside didn't show on my face.

"Becoming a Gaunt used to seem like such a daunting task," she smiled, "but I know now that worrying over such a thing is trivial... because I'll have you."

I shrugged dismissively. I didn't want her to think so highly of me. I honestly wished she hated me. That would make abandoning her so much easier.

"I'm serious Ominis. You are immensely kind, and caring. You will make a great husband, and an even better father."

My throat tightened at her words and I felt myself begin to sweat.

Marie didn't deserve to be swept up in this mess between my family and my feelings for y/n. I felt dirty at my actions, using her as a pawn for my own selfish needs. In less than a week she would be waiting for me at the end of an aisle that I would not be walking down. The thought alone crushed me.

"Is everything alright Ominis? Did I overstep with something I said," she asked, concern lacing her words. I felt her thumb run over my hand reassuringly, but all this did was send me deeper into the feeling of remorse.

"Yes I'm fine," I smiled briefly, "I just think this sun is starting to get to me." I tugged at my shirt collar, hoping a small breeze would help ease my anxiety.

"Come, let's get back inside," she offered, wrapping her arm through mine again. "Come William!" She called.

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