Part Twenty | Jealousy

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Y/n's pov:

"Should have known I'd find you here," I smiled, stepping into the dimly lit Slytherin common room. "Do you ever sleep," I teased.

"What else would I do in history of magic," he joked, beckoning me to the couch to join him. I sank into the couch beside him, cuddling into his shirt. He smelled fresh, like a cool breeze on a warm spring day. I could get high on the scent alone. He placed a gentle kiss on my head. "Do I get the pleasure of knowing what is plaguing your mind," he inquired.

"Who said anything about my mind being plagued," I raised a brow.

He smirked, "I know you don't sleep well when something is bothering you. This is the first time I've heard you out here in a while." He exuded smugness, pleased he knew me so well.

I rolled my eyes, of course he was right. But how could I tell him that the reason I couldn't sleep was him. It was clear his mind has been elsewhere the last few days. He'd be lost in deep thought when I'd enter the Undercroft, or engaged in heated conversation with Sebastian that always ended once they noticed my presence.

"Just stressed about the potion exam we have coming up," I lied.

"Ah so you are keeping secrets now," he teased. And of course he'd be able to tell I was lying.

"If you're allowed to keep secrets, so am I," I retorted. After almost a month of dating privately, I was getting impatient. I was ready for this to be public, why wasn't he... Especially with how lovely the weather had been- I was tired of being cooped up in the Undercroft just to see him.

"Touché," he agreed. We sat in comfortable silence for a while before he decided to break it. "I am very grateful you chose to give me a chance," he admitted, "I know I will never deserve you but-"

"I think you hold me in much too high regard," I interrupted, laughing a little. It wasn't unlike him to say things like this. I felt more than appreciated by him, but it hurt to know that he felt underserving in any way.

"No- no," he smiled, "you are the most incredible person I have ever known." His hand caressed my face as he leaned in and kissed me. Our foreheads rested against one another as he breathed out the words, "and I shall be thanking god for eternity for giving me the opportunity to be with you." He kissed me again, deepening it this time.

His hand lingered on my exposed thigh, gently squeezing it. This was the first time he had shown any true affection outside of the Undercroft. A small taste of the freedom we would someday have.

With each kiss I could see my future form in front of me. Myself in the Americas, seeing what the wizarding world over there had to offer, him by my side. His hand locked in mine as we stumbled along busy city streets. Settling into a comfortable cottage as we turned old and grey. His kisses only cemented my thoughts- I could not imagine another person in his spot.

I wondered if he ever felt the same- envisioning past the present, and feeling me there beside him.

His hand glided up my thigh, lingering on the lace trim of my green silk shorts. He hummed against my lips, pleased with the feeling of the soft fabric between his fingers. He looked like he was contemplating something before his face wore a devilish smirk.

His fingers slid up to my underwear, "May I," he asked.

My breathing had already became heavy as he toyed on the outside of my cotton garments. "Ominis," I breathed. "What if someone hears," I struggled to get the words out.

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