
978 18 6

Chapter idea credit: LeTran137. Thanks, I had so much fun writing this adorable chapter.

"My Lady," Ruth implored for what must have been the tenth time just in the last hour, "please, hire a proper sitter. You of all people understand how busy I am with my work. I certainly care for your children but I am severely under qualified to provide proper care for them for that long."

Maxi paused, laying down her coat she had selected to go riding. It was a cool autumn morning and she and Riftan were going to spend the day together, just the two of them. She absolutely adored her children but was looking forward to some time alone with her husband.

"The knights are training, and Rudis and the other maids are helping in the kitchen since the chef is ill." Maxi said matter of factly. "You are practically family, Ruth. I would rather trust them to your care than hire an unknown stranger to watch over them."

"But I-" Ruth began.

Maxi cut him off with a stern look which held a sharp ferocity that could rival her husband's. Ruth relented.

"How will I keep the children preoccupied?" the mage asked as he nervously rubbed the back of his next.

Maxi smiled warmly at her old friend as she grabbed her coat and headed for the door.

"Easy," she said in a calm reassuring tone, "give them something to do."

"Like what?!" he shouted louder than he intended, his nerves already getting the better of him.

"I have complete faith that you will be able to figure it out." she responded over her shoulder as she left the library.

Ruth once again stood alone in the library. His sanctuary. He cringed at the thought of not one but two young children running wild in this space in just a few short hours. He could already feel a headache from the stress beginning to form behind his temples.


The doors to the library were flung open as Andrew and Victoria burst into the room.

"Hello Ruth!" Victoria squealed happily.

"Hi Ruth." Andrew said cheerily.

Before Ruth could respond, Victoria chimed in.

"What are you doing?" she asked curiously.

Ruth couldn't help offering her a small smile. She was just as curious and hungry for knowledge as her mother. She might make a fine mage someday, if her father ever let her study at the Tower... never mind.

"I'm repairing and enhancing the device that protects the walls of the castle." he replied as simply as he could so they could understand.

"Why?" she asked innocently.

"Because things can always be improved upon as we learn how to make them stronger and more effective," he responded patiently.

"Why?" she asked again.

"Because when a threat becomes more dangerous we need to make our defenses stronger," he replied.

"Why?" she asked a third time.

"Because that's how the world works." he said trying to end the conversation before she asked what the threats were and Riftan killed him for scaring his children.

Victoria paused, staying silent for a while as she thought over everything he had said.

"Okay," she said finally.

"Why do you need a device when the best knights in the whole continent are protecting our home?" Andrew asked as he squared his shoulders and stood as tall as he could. "When I'm a knight I'll slay all the monsters so you'll never have to fix another magical device ever again!"

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