Chapter 1

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⚠️ There is blood and disturbing scenes/sentences that may disturb some of you⚠️
Using my Nichirin sword I stabbed into the slayer's chest killing him, I then bent down and used my Blade to cut off his arm.

I ate his arm as quickly as I could and once I was done I dragged his body over to the river and threw it in.

'He was weak...'

I noticed that the sun was about to rise so I went over to my little "home" in the forest, but it was more of a fort than anything.

It was a pile of sticks I stacked on each other between a few trees and the sticks had leaves on them as well as moss growing on them to help keep the sun out, there was also a huge leaf for a door.

The inside wasn't the best either since on the left were a few blankets and a pillow I stole from the humans for a makeshift bed, and on the right were just a few trinkets, books, and a backpack.

I then set my Nichirin Blade by my backpack and crawled my way to the left side of the fort and laid down on my bed, and drifted off to dreamland.
Time skip to the next night.
I woke up hearing people shouting from a distance away yell, "Demon" "Monster" and "We'll avenge those who have died."

I grabbed my Blade and made my way toward the voices, approaching the humans I noticed that there were only about 10 of them.

They all froze when they saw me and that gave me enough time to see that four of them had torches, 2 had pitchforks, 1 had a pistol, and 3 had Nichirin Blades.

I could tell that the three with Nichirin blades weren't actual Slayers since they didn't have the uniform on and they were wielding it wrong.

"Are you a Demon Slayer?!" one of the men yelled, another one spoke up after and yelled, "Yeah! We can definitely take on this demon now!"

They were all cheering until I dashed towards and cut the head off of one of them, after a short silence one yelled towards me "What the hell are you doing?!"

I look up at them and a few gasped, one speaking up "What's wrong with your eye?! Why does it say upper four?!"

I was getting impatient so I lifted my blade toward them and said, "You are in the presence of one of the strongest demons, now prepare to die."
(I don't know how to feel about this line)

They all then started charging toward me while yelling, I also charged toward and took out three of their men.

A few of them then started backing up slowly while others were standing their ground.

I took out the ones trying to get away first and then I got the ones who were brave enough to face me even if they knew they didn't stand a chance.

The ones who were trying to run away from me were bleeding out but the ones who stood their ground were already dead because I decided to give them a quick death.

I picked up two of the bodies by the arms and started dragging them toward the river.

What I didn't know was that a kasugi crow was watching the whole ordeal, and went to report it to Kagaya

"And there's the final body disposed of," I said throwing it into the river.

I turned around picked up the arm I cut off of one of the bodies during the whole process and started eating it while walking toward my fort.

When I was almost done eating the arm I felt a hand grab the side of my face and one hand grab my waist from behind me, swatting the hand on my face away and stepping out of the other one's grasp I said, "What do you want Douma?"

"You knew that it was me?!" he said in a playful tone while wiggling like a worm while standing, "I'm so flattered!"

I rolled my eyes and threw the arm to the side, "who else would be able to sneak up on me and then proceed to grab my waist."

He started clapping his hands and said, "Wow! You're so smart!"

"What do you want Douma..?" I asked him once again crossing my arms.

"What? Is something wrong with wanting to see one of my fellow uppermoons?" he said placing his hand on his hip, "and let's not forget about the fact that we live so close to each other."

"Whatever..." I said turning around and walking away, "Follow me if you wish."

He rushed over to my side with a giddy look on his face, but I knew it was a facade to hide the fact that he didn't even have emotions.
3rd person
"Lord Kagaya!" a crow cawed loudly at the head of the demon slayer corps, "a Uppermoon has been spotted in Gahara Forest!"

"Oh?" he said looking in the direction of the crow that was perched on his arm despite him being blind, "do you know what number it was?"

"No." the crow said looking down to the floor, "I wasn't able to see their eyes properly."

Kagaya then pet the crow and said, "That's alright, just go tell Gyomei and Shinobu to head there as soon as possible."

The crow then flew away in the direction of Shinobu since she was the closest, once he reached the mansion he cawed loudly and said, "Shinobu Kocho! A uppermoon has been spotted at Gahara forest! Head there as soon as possible!"

He then left her estate and headed for Gyomei's estate, once he got there he once again yelled out, "Gyomei Himejima! A uppermoon has been spotted at Gahara forest! Head there as soon as possible!"

Gyomei ran out of his estate and met up halfway with Shinobu who ended up with the same mission as him and they headed the rest of the way there together.
Fun fact(s):
*Shinobu is hoping that Douma is the uppermoon that was spotted, and in hope that it was she left as soon as she got the message.
*Kira actually likes when Douma visits her since she gets lonely out in the forest.
*I got the name Gahara Forest from the Aokigahara forest in Japan but shortened it so it would be easier to remember.
*Gyomei was hoping that he would get a few days off since tomorrow is the day that marks three years since Kira "died"

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