Chapter 5

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The top picture is what I imagine her room to look like.

I opened my eyes and noticed that I was in another memory from my past life, but this time I was walking and there were two females with me.

The one on my left was a girl with pink and green hair and a more revealing demon slayer corps outfit, and the one on my right was the female Slayer that poisoned me with wisteria.

"Akira!?" The girl on my left said grabbing my shoulder and shaking it lightly.

"What?" I said looking up at her, she looked at me with a worried look and said, "Me and Shinobu have been trying to get your attention but you seemed spaced out."

"Oh, yeah... Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind," I said looking at her and then at the girl on my right who was Shinobu.

"Wow... Your pretty small now that I'm not fighting you..." I said out loud not realizing I did at first.
(Akira is 5'5)

"Excuse me? What did you say?" Shinobu said with a tick mark appearing on her forehead, "Mitsuri you heard what she said right?"

"I did!" The girl on my left said which was Mitsuri, "But I don't think she meant it, like she said she has a lot going on in her mind right now!"

"Meant what? That she's small compared to others?" I said confused about why I made her upset, "I didn't mean to make you upset Shinobu but I was just saying the truth."

"You might want to start running Akira..." Mitsuri said pushing my back gently.

Listening to the warning I started to run but when I looked behind me I saw Shinobu with a creepy smile and Mitsuri behind her.

She caught up to me since she was faster than me at the time, and latched onto my back pushing me into the ground.

We started rolling on the ground with me trying to escape her grasp and her holding onto me as tight as she could while we were laughing, Mitsuri came up to us and started tickling us so we would let go of each other, and I loved how we were all laughing and enjoying each others time, but that's also when I woke up.

I woke up and got out of bed, I looked down remembering that I changed into a white Yukata to sleep in, so I grabbed my demon corp outfit and Haori to put it on.

I walked into the main room and noticed the woman's body, as well as the blood, was gone, I grabbed the photo from my pocket and looked at it knowing what I was doing tonight.

When I looked up I saw a locket in the corner of the room, so I went over and picked it up opening it was a picture of her husband on the left and a picture of her kids on the right, 'just how much stuff did this lady have?'

I felt someone wrap their arms around my neck, leaned their body onto mine, and whispered into my ear, "Are you stealing from me~"

I sighed knowing instantly who it was, "Of course not Douma, it's just something that belonged to the lady you ate yesterday."

"Really? What are you going to do with it?" He asked intrigued by my finding since he thought she didn't have anything on her.

"I'm going to the village to return it to her kids," I said not moving because if I did I'd probably fall over since someone who was about a foot taller than me was leaning on me, "could you get off of me?"

He instantly got off of me and went over to his bean bag, "ok, just be careful, there may be Demon Slayers in the village."

"As long as it's not any hashira, especially if they are paired with another hashira I should be fine," I said opening the door, and right before I shut it I said, "Bye Douma, I'll see you later."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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