Chapter 4

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Kira's Pov
When I fell asleep I dreamed that I was in a training ground holding the same Nichirin Blade that I have now.

I looked around noticing the huge estate that was there and then I heard a voice come from behind me, "Are you ready to continue your training Akira?"

I looked around and noticed the same Male Demon Slayer from the day before, "Yeah, I am Gyomei."

Those words seemed to just come out naturally, it was like I wasn't in control of what I was saying and it was bugging me, but I did realize that I said the name Gyomei so I'm guessing that it is his name.

'Is this a memory?' I thought, and I was almost sure of it, especially since he knew me and my name, but what was my relationship with him?

While he was training me a Kasugi crow flew above us and said loudly, "Gyomei Himejima! You are needed for a mission in the North! Upper Four has been spotted!"

'Himejima? That's my last name...' Maybe I'm his wife? Or a sister? I'm still not sure but at least I now know that I'm either his wife or sister, so it's better than having multiple other possibilities.

"I guess I have to go," Gyomei said putting his axe/mace away, "we'll continue training when I get back."

I nodded and waved bye, and then once he was out of sight I woke up.

I woke up on the cold floor of the cave and my head hurt, 'how am I having a headache?' Demons weren't supposed to be able to have headaches and it confused me how I was having one.

I sat up and noticed that it was dark outside which meant that I had been asleep for a decent while.

I attached my Nichirin Blade to my hip and left my stuff in the cave and left to wander around the forest.

I had explored deeper into the forest than I usually do and came across a cliff that had an amazing view of a frozen waterfall that was attached to the river, and surrounded by snow and ice.

I sat down on the cliff and admired the waterfall, trying to enjoy the little piece that I had.

"Kira?" I heard a voice say from behind me, I turned around slightly seeing Douma by a tree looking at me.

"Hi Douma," I said turning back around to the waterfall.

"If you like the waterfall in the winter then you should see it in the summer," Douma said taking a seat next to me with his legs crossed.

"How come it seems that I'm seeing you every day now?" I said lifting my knee and resting my bead on my arm.

"Most of the time it's just coincidences," Douma said and then put his hands on his cheeks, "Maybe fates trying to tell us something!"

"Haha, very funny," I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

Douma looked at me for a second and then said, "I went by your fort earlier and noticed it destroyed, so I'm guessing you're practically homeless now?"

I knew he would figure out I was short of a decent place to live, I sighed and stayed silent.

"I'll take that as a yes," Douma said closing his eyes and pretending to be offended, "if you ever want to you can stay in my temple."

I looked toward him and nodded, "I'll keep that in mind."

It stayed silent for a little while longer until I remembered my dream from last night, "I remembered something last night... About my past life."

Douma looked over at me seeming intrigued, and I looked over to him and debated on whether I should tell him, I didn't even mean to tell him about me remembering something last night, but it felt natural too.

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