Chapter 2

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Still 3rd person
Gyomei and Shinobu were now in the village closest to Gahara Forest and were trying to gather intel on the demon.

They walked up to a woman who had three kids with her and looked exhausted

"Hello ma'am," Shinobu said and then continued to ask a question when she had her attention, "We were wondering if you had any information on the demon in the forest."

Her eyes widened a bit and she looked like she was about to cry but even though she still answered them, "They usually reside deeper into the forest and they are attracted to loud noise, my husband thinks it's because they like their peace and quiet."

Shinobu nodded at her and Gyomei decided to ask another question, "Could we talk to your husband?"

She reluctantly nodded no and tears started pouring out of her eyes, "My husband he... He died trying to kill the demon."

Shinobu and Gyomei looked at her and Gyomei put his hands together starting to cry, "I'm sorry to hear that, we'll kill the demon and avenge your husband."

The lady nodded, thanked them, and then took her kids with her.
Kira's POV
It was the next day, Douma was already gone because he left the night before, and I was now awake waiting for the sun to set.

Once the sun did set I went out to see if any humans were wandering in the forest after a few hours I couldn't find anyone but I did hear loud noises coming from the north.

I ran towards the noises and saw two demon slayers hitting rocks together, probably to get my attention.

I ran up to attack the female first but she brought out her Nichirin blade fast enough to block my attack.

"My, my, making loud noises did bring you out in the open," she said putting her sword in her holster and making a clicking noise with it, "but you're not who I was hoping to see, and the villagers didn't mention that you used a Nichirin blade."

It was dark enough so they couldn't see me properly but I could see them almost perfectly and something was familiar about them.

The female brought her sword back out and charged toward me, I blocked her attacks over and over again waiting for an opening, but she didn't give me one, and before I could get one the male brought out an axe attached to a mace and started swinging at me.

He landed a hit and I flew back to a more open area the moon shone onto me and the other two so now they could see me.

They stood there for a second Shinobu with wide eyes and Gyomei finally recognized her Aura, they were quiet until the male put his hands together and started crying, "Oh Akira, what a sad fate you have encountered, I really thought you were dead, I'll make sure you get a near-painless death."

I was shocked that he knew my actual name, I mean sure my name isn't that far from my nickname but only Muzan and Kokushibo know my actual name.

The male dashed forward to attack me but I dodged it and went to attack him but he too dodged, what I didn't notice was the female who snuck up behind me and slashed me on my back with her Nichiren blade.

I didn't think it was a big deal until I noticed that my wound wasn't healing, 'wisteria poison' I thought, I knew it wouldn't kill me but it would slow down my movements.

I dashed forward before the poison could make it to my leg's bloodstream and attacked the female, she was able to dodge it but she did get a deep cut on her left shoulder.

I turned around to face them noticing them both dashing towards me, "Haze," I said and Pink/Purple clouds started to form around me stopping them in their tracks.

"I'm feeling light-headed," the female said feeling her eyes get heavy, the male nodded and said, "I am too, it's probably the clouds, we just need to behead her before we pass out."

My cloud was simply to distract them for a bit since I knew they were too strong to pass out right away, and my plan worked because I was able to dash behind the female cutting her back with my sword and attacking the man's shoulder.

At this point, I was too distracted to realize that the sun was about to rise.

The female went to stab me with more of her wisteria while the male went to behead me but before they could someone had picked me up, thrown me over one of their shoulders like a sack of potatoes, and started to run away.

"IT'S YOU!" The female yelled angrily and started chasing us as fast as she can with the male shortly behind her.

I looked up to see that it was Douma, "Douma?!" I said raising my voice, "What are you doing?!"

"You idiot, the sun is about to rise and you weren't even trying to get away." He said looking towards me, "Can you run?"

I looked back down and said, "Yes but she'll be able to catch up to me pretty quickly... because I have wisteria poison in my bloodstream restricting my movements."

He just grinned and looked forward saying, "That alright! Because your knight in shining armor is here to save you!"

After running around for a bit and losing the two slayers Douma quickly ran to his temple to get away from the sun.

"That was too close," he said sighing and setting me down on a beanbag.

I looked around the room I was in, it was empty for the most part but there were still a few decorations, and despite knowing each other for a few years and him visiting me every once in a while I have never actually been in his temple

"You'll have to stay here with me until the sun sets," Douma said putting his hands in the air and continuing, "which means I get an even longer time to spend with a fellow uppermoon!"

I looked at him for a second until I spoke up, "I'm usually asleep around this time."

"Oh," he said sulking and sitting down with his legs crossed.

I felt bad just pushing him away like that, but Akaza and Kokushibo warned me not to get too close to him, especially since he mainly attacks and eats women.

I laid back on the bean bag when I remembered the huge cut on my back so I quickly got up and out of the beanbag.

Douma looked up at me and tilted his head in confusion saying, "Is something wrong?"

I looked over at him and shook my head no, "No, it's just that I have a pretty big cut on my back and I didn't wanna ruin your beanbag... But it looks like it's too late for that."

He shook his hand signaling that it was ok, "ifs fine, I can just get another one, and your back is already starting to heal up anyway."

I sighed putting my head in one of my hands, "That's good, just means the wisteria poison is healing up and exciting my bloodstream.
(I'm not sure how Wisteria poison works exactly. Sorry.)

I looked over at Douma and saw him sitting there on the floor playing with his nails, and after a bit of thinking I decided to sit in front of him.

He looked up at me in shock until he put on a huge smile and put his hands on his cheeks, "So you decided to talk to me!"

"Yeah... I won't hurt to give you a chance," I said nodding my head.

We talked for about an hour or two until I fell asleep, but during the whole conversation, I was on guard not forgetting the fact that he doesn't have emotions.
Chapter end
Fun fact(s):
*When Douma saw Kira fighting Shinobu and Gyomei and her being on the verge of death he felt the slightest bit of worry for her.
*Douma was very hurt when Kira pushed him away until he saw her sit down in front of him
*Although Douma seemed to have enjoyed the conversation between him and Kira he did notice her on guard the whole time
*When Shinobu saw Douma she got enraged with anger that she chased him as fast as she could but when she lost him she looked all over the forest until she and Gyomei were called by a kasugi crow to abandon their mission and report to Kagaya.
*After reporting their failure to Kagaya and how you were alive Gyomei instantly went to Tamayo to see if she had something that could turn you back into a human.

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