A Dance Not To Forget

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Author's Note: Hey Guys This is The End! I hope You Guys Enjoyed this book! My next book is a Pixane one like usual and it is based on an Angel and Devil book! So Yeah No song this time, Sorry! So Yeah let's get on with our book!

Pixal POV

At night Emperor Wu was holding a party to celebrate and honour the ninja,

I went back to Ninjago to get my father who was with my brother.

He was happy my brother was home, he didn't even care the brought the Overlord back.

He was back and that is what mattered,

I told my father and brother about the party and we planned to go to Wu's palace.

As we entered the place was covered with colourful decorations, 

My father thought of taking my brother to Emperor Wu to tell their story since he would be interested.

I found the place a bit too crowded and moved outside,

I still saw Zane's friends celebrating.

I just looked out the balcony and thought about what my brother did,

He removed my curse but also placed another one in but it was more of a blessing than a curse.

And now it is confirmed that I might live as long as other Gods would,

"Hey" I hear,

I turn to Zane who was standing near me.

"Hey, I thought you were inside," I say,

"I was, but I was hoping if you would dance with me for a while," He says shyly.

I just smiled at him and nod as he takes my hand takes me back inside for a dance,

As we danced I felt a strong connection in my heart.

I just locked my eyes with him having the feeling that I could give all my trust in him.

Suddenly I forget my surroundings and it was just me and him spinning under the light.

I remember when I saw my future through a reflection,

Where My clothing was Purple and Light Blue with Snowflake markings indicating that I have grown in touch with that element and making that element and mine into one.

I close my eyes remembering that day and soon I felt myself being held and we kept dancing.

After a while, I felt myself enjoying the moment and I pulled away and our eyes soon meet each other.

We soon stayed like that for a while and soon Zane pulled himself closer,

I knew what he was doing so I just followed my feelings and closed my eyes and lean in slowly.

I soon felt gentle, warm and soft lips against mine, 

I make a small hum and soon felt snowflakes swirl around us in a small breeze.

I felt myself growing in touch with his element, 

He soon gets a chance to grow in touch with me and soon we both became one.

I could feel my clothing change a bit,

But all I was feeling right now was the strongest feeling of Love.

I felt our kiss going slightly deeper but still full of love and affection,

I just ran my fingers through his hair and respond softly with a hum.

I feel a lot of emotions right now but the feeling of myself in his arms made me feel so safe,

I soon start to cling to the collar of his clothes trying not to trip backwards.

I already knew my clothes would be glowing slightly blue and purple and so would his,

Normally it has been said in the texts about The Elemental Gods that the Goddess of Heart and Protection would grow connections to one of the elements but it was a rare thing to happen.

But it was happening now, through love,

We both soon pull away and lean our heads together and make soft humming and purring.

We soon get a chance to look at each other and soon there were light blue markings on my dress,

They were snowflakes and I looked at what Zane wore and they were now covered in little purple snowflakes.

We both look at each other and smile,

"Sorry, I must have drifted off a bit and grown in touch with your element, Gods like me have that thing don't they," I say embarrassed.

"It's fine, I kinda like feeling another element like yours," He says with a smile.

I smile back and we continue to dance through the night,

I don't even care if we dance until the morning!


Author's Note: HEY! It's the end, I Hope You liked it, Next upcoming book will be a Pixane Angel and Devil book and I on the first page there will be a song and a sneak peek of a drawing I did of Pixal and Zane! Can't Wait to share that! See You Guys Later! Adios!

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