A/N: Quick update for Potions Fiasco's Sequel!

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Alright I'm back home now so I'll be updating when I got ideas coming but anyway that's not really why I wrote this A/N. Instead of doing year 8 in Potions Fiasco I'll do it in the sequel explaining more on Harry and Blaise's relationship like I did with Draco and Lavender, so after year 7 (including the war) Blaise and Harry will begin more in year 8 in the sequel Silver Linning.

I've got some ideas for the next chapter of this and we're almost at 1K votes tho I think Wattpad glitching on me because I could have sworn I seen 989 votes instead of 962, not sure if it is or not but either way we're still close to 1K which will be the last vote announcement for the book. So yeah, there's the update for now.



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