Chapter 22

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(Happy Pride Month! This is the last upload for Pride Month! Sunday we'll resume our regular schedule of uploading chapters!)

{Several Weeks Later}

~Darius POV~

Faust retired. Bump is the principal now. Eda already got detention. Pretty sure it's a record. The moment it was announced we had a new principal, Eda got detention. It was instant. Anyway, with Faust gone, a lot of his nonsense rules are gone. One of those rules being the touching one. Alador's happy about that. He's pretty much always hanging on my arm. As I've said before, his love language is physical touch.

"You're so clingy." Eda told Alador.

"I am not clingy." Alador retorted.

Raine, Lilith, and Porter started looking around to avoid eye contact. Eber called Alador clingy.

"Eber, You're also clingy." Raine noted.

Eber said at least he admits.

Alador looked at me.

"Do you think I'm clingy?" He asked.

"Well, yeah." I answered awkwardly. "You are clingy."

He frowned.

"I like it though." I assured him.

He smiled and held my arm.

{A Few Days Later}

Eber watched as Alador and I played Hexes Hold'em. We added our own rule recently; our rule is that when it's the other person's turn you can say something dirty to throw them off their game. Everyone calls Alador innocent but he really isn't.

"Ha! I win again!" Alador shouted.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be a sore loser." He said.

"I'm not, you're just a cocky winner." I stated.

"Not my fault you're bad at talking dirty." He shrugged.

"Shut up!" I snapped.

"Make me!" He replied.

I tackled him. I held his chin with one hand and pinned his arm with the other. He put his free hand on my wrist. His face was bright red and he looked flustered.

"Hey! Get off me!" He stuttered.

"You may be better at dirty talk but you're still easily flustered." I said, backing off.

Eber and I laughed. Someone knocked on Alador's bedroom door.

"One of your friends is here." Mr. Blight called.

He learned to knock after he walked in on Alador and I making out here that one time. Alador and I laugh about it now.

I picked up the cards and Raine came into the room.

"So I told your dad your having a sleepover at my house tonight." Raine said. "I'll tell you what's up on the way to meet up with the others."

"Okay?" Alador said. "Do I have a choice?"

"Nope." Raine said. "Come on."

Raine left and we followed them.

"Bye, Dad." Alador called as we left.

We started walking down the street. Eber climbed up on my shoulder then on top of my head.

"So, since The Emperor's coven tryouts are in two days, Eda and I stole at least a million snails worth of adult apple blood so we can all get blackout drunk tonight. We've already booked a hotel room so we aren't caught by our parents." Raine explained.

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