Chapter 23

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{15 Minutes Later}

~Alador POV~

"Where have you been hiding?" Porter asked Edalyn.

"The human realm." Edalyn stated.

"Seriously where were you?" I laughed.

"The human realm. I found this door." She explained, taking a key from her pocket.

She pressed the eye of the key. A door unfolded and opened. On the other end was a completely different forest. The trees and grass with green. The sky and stars looked different.

"Holy shit. You weren't joking." Darius said.

Edalyn shook her head.

"The rain doesn't boil. The painbows don't hurt you. The gorenados aren't gorey." She explained. "It's just rain, rainbows, and tormados! The tornados are still dangerous though."

{A Couple Weeks Later}

~Darius POV~

Alador's working on some kind of potion. He asked to work on it in my room since his dad got a girlfriend that makes him uncomfortable. Alador's cauldron blew up. This is the 12th time today. He coughed and took off his goggles. Our palismen watched from my dresser.

"Damnit! I suck at potions!" He shouted.

"Why are you trying to make a potion?" I asked.

"Archer asked me to see if I could make an elixir for Edalyn. I agreed but I'm really bad at potions." He answered.

"You'll get it." I said. "You're brilliant."

"I don't know what to change to get the potion right." He admitted.

He stared blankly into the cauldron.

"How about you take a break." I suggested. "You've been working all day. Focus on something else then you'll come up with something."

He crawled on the bed.

"What do I focus on? All I can think of is the elixir!" He said.

"How about your inventions. You haven't talked about any in a while." I suggested as I reached over a wiped soot off his face. "You're cute face is so filthy..."

"I gave up on them..." He admitted.

"You love inventing. You've always said you'll be a big time inventor in the future." I reminded him.

"Nothing works!" He exclaimed.

"Not true." I said. "Some of them do work."

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"That netlauncher works perfectly and Eber loves it. Sorry I forgot what it's called." I answered.

I listed off a few other inventions he's made within the past few years that worked.

"Dad's girlfriend says I need to do better things with my time." He said. "She said a lot of other things as well."

"She's not important!" I snapped. "Your inventions are cool and useful. One day you will make it as a big time inventor!"

"Hey!" He laughed as I pulled him onto my lap, squeezed, and kissed him.

"Don't give up on your dreams, okay?" I asked. "Promise me?"

"Promise." Alador agreed, snuggling up to me.

"Good. Surdoué, I'm going to keep you to that." I told him.

Partners In Crime(Dalador/Aladarius)[The Owl House]Where stories live. Discover now